Ideal Quoting Module Realized!

In an ideal world, increasing revenue would be as easy as accruing bills, and managing Quotes would be as convenient as managing a database of contacts.

With version 5.7’s new Quoting module, IT support providers get a professional services automation (PSA) solution that helps make their world a little more ideal.

While it’s not a money tree or an autonomous program that can produce results for you, the Quoting module streamlines the entire sales quoting cycle, from quote generation to follow-up, status changes, customer acceptances, wins and invoicing.

Never before has our CRM and PSA software made it so easy to create, monitor and win sales quotes and proposals.

Curious as to what makes the Quoting module so easy to use and useful? Well, here are a couple significant features and benefits that the Quoting module provides:

Firstly, when you set up a sales quote through the Quoting module, the Quote is linked to a selected Account in order to both save you the time of reentering your contact’s information and in order to automatically include the Quote in your Account’s history for improved customer service.

As you build your Quote, you are able to customize line items for every Quote. As you enter the parts, labor or expense Items into your Quote, you are able to customize the pricing by including discounts, markups or fixed prices. With this Quoting feature, building a Quote is made very convenient and quoting your customers and prospects becomes an instantaneous task.

Also, to help make the processes of Quote creation and maintenance easier, the Quoting module gives you the option to enter text-based line items so that you can tailor every Quote to your customer, including specific directions or explanations.

The Quoting module offers feature has built in mechanisms to help ensure an efficient and professional experience for your customers. Not only can customers be provided with a branded hard copy of the Quote, but you can also send them a copy of their Quote via email or provide them with also access their Quotes through the Customer Portal. They can even accept the Quote via the Web!

The advantages of providing customers with online access to their Quotes are that customers benefit from instant access and they can approve Quotes or Proposals at their own leisure and from the comfort of their personal or work computers.

Once you have won the Quote, and the customer has either approved the Quote via the Customer Portal or in writing, you can easily and efficiently convert the Quote into either a set of Charges, one for each of the Quote line items, or into a single QuickBooks Invoice where each Quote Line is converted into an Invoice Line (including the textual lines).

Whether you are simply looking for an easier way to create, manage, win or convert a Quote into an invoice, the Quoting module offers features for you. By using the Quoting module for your entire Quoting cycle, you’ll make your job a little easier, and hopefully your wallet a little richer!

Until next time,
Success Team

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