Employee Privileges

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Privileges > Employee Privileges


Privileges let you define various levels of access for Employees to data stored in RangerMSP. You can use an existing privileges group or create a new one and set up the various privileges as needed.

Privileges are assigned to groups which can then be assigned to Employees. Privileges Groups can be customized in the Privileges Administration window from Files > Users & Privileges > Privileges.

In the Privileges Administration window, each privilege line is defined by: View, Edit and Delete permissions (each is defined using a checkbox). This determines the permissions for the object being defined in each privilege line. For some privileges there is no need for this categorization, and clicking any of the checkboxes will select or unselect the whole line, which means this line can only be wither selected or not selected.

Following are the different privileges and their meaning:

  • Accounts: Choosing this privilege means the Employee has access to the Accounts list.
  • Documents: Choosing this privilege means the Employee has access to the main Documents list and to "Docs" tab in other objects.
  • Other Employees' History Notes: Choosing this privilege means the Employee can view History Notes added by other Employees. Restricting this line means the Employee can his/her activity only.
  • Other Employees' Calendars: Choosing this privilege means the Employee can view Appointments and Tasks added by other Employees. Restricting this line means the Employee can his/her activity only.
  • Batch Update: Choosing this option means the Employee can update many Accounts at once using the Accounts > Tools > Batch Update option. This is an advanced option and should be assigned carefully.
  • List and Values: Choosing this option means the Employee can edit the values of drop-down lists. For example, a user with this privilege can add values to the City drop-down list (and most other drop-down lists in the software). Click to read more about configuring fields.
  • Send Group E-Mail: Choosing this option means the Employee can send emails to a group of Accounts using the Accounts > Tools > Send Group Email option. This is an advanced option and should be assigned carefully.
  • Add Group History Note: Choosing this option means the Employee can add a history note to many Accounts at once using the Accounts > Tools > Add Group History Note option. This is an advanced option and should be assigned carefully.
  • Share filters with others: Choosing this option means the Employee can share filters with other users.
  • Other Employees' Opportunities: Choosing this privilege means the Employee can view Opportunities added by other Employees. Restricting this line means the Employee can his/her opportunities only.
  • Other Employees' Tickets: Choosing this privilege means the Employee can view Tickets added by other Employees. Restricting this line means the Employee can his/her Tickets only.
  • Send Group Fax: Choosing this option means the Employee can send faxes to a group of Accounts using the Accounts > Tools > Send Group Fax option. This is an advanced option and should be assigned carefully.
  • Taxes: Choosing this option means the Employee access the Taxes from Settings > Charge > Taxes, add and modify Tax definitions. Click to read more about Taxes.
  • Charges Incl. Finance: This option s determines whether an employee can see rates and prices used in Charges or set the Billable flag. Although users who do not have this privilege will be able to add charges, select an item, and set the amount (in hours or units), they will not be able to view the item's price or the total price for the charge. They will also not have access to Charge reports.
  • Other Employees' Charges: This options determines whether an employee can see Charges added by other employees.
  • Rates: This option determines whether an employee can see other employee rates.
  • Auditing: This option determines whether an employee can see audit lines in the History tab in all windows.
  • Web Interface Users: This option determines whether an employee can define new Web Interface users for Accounts via the Account window > Web Users tab.
  • Contracts – Manage: This option determines whether users can modify Contract information. If they do not have this privilege, then they can only select Contracts for Charges and Tickets but not modify the block value or update the contract's service description.
  • Contracts – Finance: This allows a user to update the contract block and to add Contract-Price Charges. See Contract-Price Charges.
  • Export Data: This option determines whether a user may export data from the system using the Export tool. Since the Export tool is quite powerful and allows users to export any information they choose, low-security users should not be assigned this privilege.
  • Online Services: This option determines whether an employee can define and update Online Services from Settings > Online Services.
  • QuickBooks: This option determines whether an employee can activate QuickBooks menu and options, import information from QuickBooks, create invoices, etc.
  • Custom Pricing: This option determines whether an employee has access to the Custom-Pricing of accounts and contracts. System administrators are usually the only employees granted this privilege. See more details in the Custom Pricing user guide.
  • Other Employees' KB Articles: This option determines whether employees with the Knowledge Base privilege (see above), can view/update articles added by other employees.
  • Tickets: This option determines whether an employee may add to and update tickets in the system.
  • Activity Templates: This option determines whether an employee can apply, create, or edit Activity Templates. See more details in the Activity Templates user guide under Privileges section.
  • Email Templates: This option determines whether an employee can apply, create, or edit Email Templates. Click to read more about Email Templates.
  • Mark as Read/Unread to other employees: This option refers to Tickets Inbox. Choosing this options lets the employee change the read/unread status for Tickets managed by other users. Click to read more about Tickets Inbox.
  • RMM - Continuum, GFI MAX Integration: This option determines whether an employee can manage Continuum/GFI MAX Links (with Sites and Devices). Click to read more about Continuum Link and GFI MAX Link.
  • Ticket Merge and Move to another Account: This option determines whether an employee can use Ticket Merge utility to merge two Tickets into one and change Ticket Account. Click to read more about Ticket Merge.
  • Other Employees' Quotes: This option determines whether employees with the Quotes privilege (see below), can view/update articles added by other employees.
  • Quotes: This option determines whether an employee may add to and update quotes in the system.
  • SLA: This option determines whether an employee may view/edit/delete SLAs in the system. Users with no SLA privileges will be able to apply an SLA to Tickets. They will not be allowed to open the SLA settings window and view SLA settings. Click to read more about SLA
  • Working Hours Schedule: This option determines whether an employee may view/edit/delete your business working hours information, define holidays, scheduled days off, official business hours etc. Click to read more about Working Hours Schedule.
  • Assets - Manage: This option determines whether an employee may view/edit/delete Assets in the system. Click to read more about Assets

Setting Up Employee Privileges

Employee Privileges can be defined by assigning a predefined privilege group (SysAdmin, Full, Partial, Limited or Subcontractors) or you can assign a privilege group you've created yourself. See more details in Employee Privileges Group.

To define the Employee's privileges group:

  1. From the Employees window select an Employee.
  2. Go to the Employee tab and click Configure User.
  3. In the Configure User window, choose the Privilege Group.
  4. Click OK to save your changes.

Employee Privileges Group

When creating users in RangerMSP, you can assign predefined privilege groups (SysAdmin, Full, Partial, Limited or Subcontractors) or you can assign a privilege group you've created yourself.

Privileges Groups can be configured in the Privileges Administration window from File > Users & Privileges > Privileges.

Note that only Sys Admin users can set the Privileges groups and modify each group's definition, and that the Sys Admin Privileges group cannot be modified in the Privileges editor. To view employees who are defined as system administrators, go to the Main menu, then File > Users and Privileges > Show Administrators.

RangerMSP comes with four predefined privilege groups as follows:

  1. Full – This group allows a user to do anything in the system, including advanced system customization. This group should be used to define users who will have complete access, but are not system administrators.
  2. Partial – This group has some limitations, and may be used to define a "technician" role in the system:
    • Special operations in the system (such as performing batch updates, importing from QuickBooks, etc.)
    • Limited (read-only) access to other users' information, such as Tickets and Appointments.
    • Limited or no access to financial information.
  3. Limited – Very limited access (read-only) to some information.
  4. Subcontractors – Very limited access to information, letting subcontractors work with their own tickets and have limited access to other information. See more details in Subcontractors.

All these groups can be modified and you can add your own privilege groups if needed.

To add new groups, click the blue Privileges Group label in the Privileges Administration window, and create a new Group. The select which privileges you want to include in this group.

See also the Privileges FAQ for more tips about using privileges in RangerMSP.

See Also