QuickBooks FAQ

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FAQ > QuickBooks FAQ

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How can I import my customers/vendors into RangerMSP?

To import Accounts from QuickBooks, use the QuickBooks menu in the Accounts window > Import New Records/ Update Linked Records from QuickBooks.

How can I import my item list into RangerMSP?

To import an item list from QuickBooks, use the QuickBooks menu in RangerMSP's Items window > Import New Records/Update Linked Records from QuickBooks.

How can I create a new QuickBooks invoice using RangerMSP?

There are currently two options for creating a new QuickBooks invoice in RangerMSP:

  1. You can create an invoice from the QuickBooks menu in RangerMSP's Accounts, Tickets or Contracts window.
  2. You can go to the File menu > New > QuickBooks Invoice. You will now see all Accounts or Tickets or Contracts that have billable charges that haven't been billed yet. Select the relevant Account/Ticket/Contract and continue with the invoice creation process.

Can all charge records be included in QuickBooks invoices?

Yes, all charges (billable and non-billable) can be included in an QuickBooks invoice. Only Billable charges will affect the invoice total.

How can I list all Accounts, Contracts and Tickets that have unbilled charges?

You can list all open balances for accounts/contracts/tickets by selecting QuickBooks Invoice from the Main menu. To do so, go to Main menu > File > New > QuickBooks Invoice…

In the QuickBooks Invoice dialog window, you can select to view all open balances at the Account/Contract/Ticket level. An open balance is the sum of all Billable Charges that haven't been billed yet.

Can I modify the billing address?

Yes. At the top of the invoice creation wizard you can set a custom billing/shipping address, invoice reference, invoice date, due date and memo (QuickBooks sets this information by default).

Can I control the To be Printed and To be Emailed flags for Invoices?

Yes. Depending on your QuickBooks edition, Invoices in QuickBooks may include the following options: ‘To be printed’ and ‘To be emailed’ from Tools > Options > QuickBooks. See more details in QuickBooks Link Settings.

I see an asterisks (*) near the charges listed for the invoice. What does it mean?

An asterisk (*) may be displayed in the wizard at the step that displays RangerMSP charges to be included in the invoice. The asterisk means that the RangerMSP item being used for this charge has not been synchronized with QuickBooks and that a default item in QuickBooks will be used for this invoice line.

Can I link an existing Account in RangerMSP with an existing customer/vendor in QuickBooks?

When you have accounts in RangerMSP which are parallel to customers/vendors in QuickBooks, you should link between them prior to any import process. This is because linked records are updated while unlinked ones are created as new accounts in RangerMSP, which may result in duplicate records.

To link a single Account record to the parallel record in QuickBooks, select the relevant RangerMSP Account and then select the option 'Link Account to QuickBooks Customer/Job/Vendor Record' from the QuickBooks menu in the Accounts window.

Can I link an existing Item in RangerMSP with an existing item in QuickBooks?

When you have Items in RangerMSP which are parallel to items in QuickBooks, you should link between them prior to any import process. This is because linked records are updated while unlinked ones are created as new items in RangerMSP, which may result in duplicate records.

To link a single Item record to the parallel record in QuickBooks, select the relevant Item in RangerMSP and then select the Link Item to QuickBooks… Item from the QuickBooks menu in the Items window.

Is it possible to have the charge dates added to the invoice lines when creating the QuickBooks invoice?

Yes. The last step in the invoice creation wizard displays the invoice line items that will be created. There is an option to add additional text to the invoice line items by clicking on the button above the invoice list and selecting the text you want to add: date, employee name, contract code etc.

You can also set the system to add this information automatically to all new invoices. To do so, go to Tools > Options..., click on the QuickBooks tab, and mark the relevant options under the 'Invoice Lines Content' title. (You can also automatically add the Ticket number and Contract code).

How can I list all Charges in RangerMSP that were included in a specific QuickBooks invoice?

You can list all charges included in a specific QuickBooks invoice by opening the main Charges window and selecting from the menu QuickBooks > Filter by Invoice Reference. In the window that opens, type the QuickBooks invoice reference/number and confirm. All the charges that were billed in this invoice will be displayed.

How can I see the invoice number for a QuickBooks invoice created using RangerMSP?

As soon as the invoice has been created, a preview of the invoice is displayed with the invoice number. Also, if you view charges that have been included in a QuickBooks invoice individually, the invoice number is displayed above the Account field.

I've generated an invoice using QuickBooks and haven't used the RangerMSP-QuickBooks link. Can I link the relevant charge records in RangerMSP to the QuickBooks invoice?

Yes. Go to the Charges window, select your charge, go to the QuickBooks menu > Link to Existing Invoice in QuickBooks, write your invoice number and confirm.

What are the default QuickBooks Accounts?

The default Accounts are QuickBooks accounting accounts (not to be confused with RangerMSP Accounts/Customers).

When an item is added to QuickBooks you must define its related accounting accounts. To streamline the creation of new items from RangerMSP into QuickBooks, you need to select these default accounts and they will be used when the item is added.

By default, RangerMSP uses the following QuickBooks accounts for new items: CMT Income Account, CMT Expense Account, CMT COGS Account, CMT Asset Account.

To set/update the default accounts go to Tools -> Options, open the QuickBooks tab, click on Advanced Settings > Default QuickBooks Accounts.

I’ve created a QuickBooks invoice from RangerMSP and I noticed that a QuickBooks account with a 'CMT' prefix has been used. How can I prevent this and use other accounts?

The reason those accounts have been used is because they are connected to one or more QuickBooks items. In QuickBooks, go to the relevant items and update their default accounts to those you want. For the changes to take affect for future and past transactions you will need to confirm the following message:

"You changed an account for this item. All future transactions with this item will use this new account. Would you like existing transactions with this item to use this new account?"

Can I add more details to QuickBooks invoice lines?

Yes. When creating a QuickBooks invoice using the RangerMSP-QuickBooks Link, the last stage displays the invoice lines that will be transferred to the QuickBooks invoice. Right above these lines there is a drop down button called ‘Incl. in Description’ – this button lets you add the Charge Date, Employee, Ticket# and Contract Code to the invoice.

How do I prevent changes from being made to charges that have been invoiced?

  • Any charge that has been marked Billed, either manually or by QuickBooks invoice creation gets marked as Read-Only. This ensures that the record in QuickBooks, RangerMSP, and the record sent to the customer stay identical. If you then mark the charges as NotBilled, then the charges will be updatable again.
  • There is no way to lock a ticket or charges from being edited.
  • You can mark contracts as inactive, so that you won’t be tempted to use them. This will throw a popup to any employee trying to open a ticket for this contract, warning them that the contract is completed, and another should be chosen.
  • Since you created a new ticket for the refund following the suggestion to your second question, you can now use the report designer to edit a Technician Service Form with Charges report to serve as a Crediting Statement that you sign and hand to your customer.
  • The charges in this statement will be displayed in negative, looking more like a refund slip, since the charges were created that way.

How do I handle refunds?

  • If the need arises to credit a customer, we suggest executing the refund from QuickBooks, by using the refund solution they support with their invoicing system. Then create Countercharges in RangerMSP, identical to the charges you wish to reverse, with negative quantities in the charges. This will update your monthly employee reports, to the refunded charges. These charges should be added to a new ticket and then immediately marked billed, with a reference to the original ticket noted in the new ticket description in order to document the refund. If QuickBooks issues you a new invoice number for the refund you can enter it after marking billed, if not, you can enter the invoice code from the original purchase invoice, so that the refund is linked in RangerMSP.

See Also