KB: How To Rename Fields

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Customizing Existing Fields

Fields in RangerMSP can be customized when needed. You should modify the default settings only when required; the system defaults are usually sufficient.

Fields in RangerMSP can be customized with the following settings:

  • The Name of the fields as displayed throughout the system where a field name is displayed
  • The field Label and Hint
  • The field title on data grids/tables – Column Title
  • The default value for new records
  • The drop-down list that will be displayed for drop-down selection list fields
  • Enabling the field to be updated in batch update (Accounts fields only)
  • Enabling lists to be sorted by this field

Managing Field Name and Settings
To modify the field settings, log in to RangerMSP as a user with full privileges, and double-click on the field label. The field's Settings window will open. All modifications will be saved when you confirm before closing the window.

Managing drop-down list values
You can also manage values for drop down lists throughout the system. For example, you can add values to the Ticket Types (e.g. Hardware, Installation, Software etc.). To add or modify values in the list, select [edit list...] from the drop down list.

There are pre-defined fields labeled Field (e.g. Field1, Field2) which can be customized as you see fit (you can also rename their label to your needs). For example, you can use Charge Field1, modify its label to "Status", and edit the values list to include possible values for the Status of a Charge.

See Also