Documents FAQ

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FAQ > Documents FAQ

Getting Started

Advanced Use

How can I add an existing document to RangerMSP?

To add an existing document of any type, simply drag–and-drop it into RangerMSP. All documents can be opened by double clicking them in RangerMSP.

Can I import an entire document folder to RangerMSP?

Existing documents can easily be imported into RangerMSP using the Import Documents Folder option. You can import document folder using one of the following options:

  • In the main menu go to Tools > Import > Import Documents Folder.
  • In the Accounts/Tickets/Contracts/Opportunities window, go to the Docs tab, right click, and select Import Documents Folder.

A window will open. Select the folder and files to be imported and confirm.

Can I link my emails to RangerMSP?

Yes. You can easily file Outlook® and Outlook Express® emails in RangerMSP and link them to Accounts, Tickets etc. by dragging them from Outlook and dropping them in RangerMSP! Opening and viewing the email is accomplished by double-clicking. The email message will be displayed using the Outlook® window together with any attached files.

Is it possible to merge RangerMSP data into Word documents?

Yes. RangerMSP allows you to work with Word template documents and merge RangerMSP data fields into these documents. This can be done using Word's Merge Fields feature. To create a RangerMSP template with RangerMSP data, do the following:

  1. Go to Settings > Documents > Template Manager.
  2. Click on the New Template button to create a new template. Using an existing base Template is optional, so you may leave it empty or select your default office template.
  3. Click OK to confirm the pop-up window in the new Word document window.
  4. Edit the template. You may add your own text and RangerMSP database fields with Insert Merge Fields (it usually appears as a button on the Mail Merge toolbar).
  5. Save the template.
  6. Create a new document in RangerMSP and select Based on RangerMSP Template in the Create From field. Then select your template file. The Word document will open and RangerMSP data fields will automatically be merged within the document.

What is the main document folder and how do I choose it?

The main documents folder is the root folder under which all documents will be stored, each in a sub folder related to the linked account. You can set your default folder for RangerMSP document in Tools > Options > Documents tab > Default Document Folder (all documents saved here and in sub-folders).

Note: RangerMSP's Administrator privileges are required modify this value.

Can I set a different document folder for each of my Accounts?

When viewing an Account's Details tab you can set the default folder where document files will be stored. If you have never set the document folder for an account, you will be prompted to do so the first time you try to add a document.

How can I download documents via the Web Interface?

Using the Web Interface, employees and customers can download RangerMSP documents which are located on your server, directly from the browser.

In order to allow file downloads, you should first map the folder locations for the download, so that the Web Interface Service will be able to access them for download. You can also define folders which will deny download, in case you need to protect sensitive information from being accessed via the web interface.

To setup the documents download settings, go to Tools > Options > Web Interface. Read more about this under Document Download Settings.

How can I add new categories to the Documents Category tree?

Go to Settings > Documents > Category Tree. The Category Tree dialog box will open, and you can now manage your categories.

Can i password protect my Documents so that other users can't view/change them?

Sure, Any Operating System such as WINXP, SBS2008, Linux, etc. can set user based permission for seperate files or folders so that other users will not be able to view, change or delete these files without having an authenticated password.

See Also