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User Manuals > Documents

You can manage all of your Documents from within RangerMSP, either by saving them as local copies in the RangerMSP Account Documents Folder, or by linking to external files on your local disk or network. By allowing RangerMSP to manage your documents, you can easily access relevant documents without searching for them on your server. In addition, you can file them within related RangerMSP sections such as Accounts, Tickets, Assets, etc. Each Document record within RangerMSP contains details about the document, its category, links to related objects such as Accounts and Tickets, etc.

RangerMSP can manage any of the following document types: Word®, Excel®, PDF, email, scanned documents, images, videos and basically any other format. You can view Documents in RangerMSP in the documents window, which you can access by clicking the documents icon on the left pane, or from Accounts, Tickets, etc. in the related Docs tab.

In addition to filing documents under RangerMSP sections, you can also organize your documents according to category. By using categories you can easily group your documents and find them later.

You can add, remove and change categories in the Category Tree which is at Settings > Documents > Category Tree.

Setting the Default Document folder

All documents copied into RangerMSP are stored in the Default Document Folder, in the related Account sub-folder. The default folder is set up during the initial RangerMSP installation. You can change your default folder in Tools > Options > Documents tab > Default Document Folder.

When adding a document to any Account for the first time, you will be prompted to set the document folder for that Account. The system will suggest creating a folder under the Default Documents Folder, or set the Account's folder to be anywhere on your network. Setting the default folder for the Account can be done via the Account's Details tab.

To view a document stored in RangerMSP, simply double-click it within RangerMSP and the file will open.

Document Download and Upload Settings

Using the RangerMSP Web Interface, employees can download and upload RangerMSP documents which are located on your server, directly from the browser. You can also set up the system to allow customers to download documents which are linked to their account, or which are linked to public Knowledge Base articles, via the Web Interface.

In order to allow file downloads and uploads, you should first map the folder locations for the download, so that the Web Interface Service will be able to access them for download. You can also define folders which will deny download, in case you need to protect sensitive information from being accessed via the web interface.

To setup the documents download settings, please refer to Document Download and Upload Settings under Web Interface Installation Instructions.

Importing Existing Documents

To add an existing document to an Account, open the relevant Account window and drag-and-drop the file into RangerMSP. This will automatically link the relevant Account to the newly created document. All documents managed within RangerMSP can be opened by double-clicking on them in RangerMSP.

In some cases, you may want to import a whole folder of documents and link it to a RangerMSP Account. You can import multiple documents into RangerMSP using one of the following Import Documents Folder options:

  • In the main menu, go to Tools > Import > Import Documents Folder.
  • In the Accounts/Tickets/Contracts/Opportunities window, go to the Docs tab, right-click, and select Import Documents Folder.

A window will open. Select the folder and files to be imported and confirm.

Important Note: When importing multiple documents (or folders), RangerMSP stores links to the original files rather than copying the files to the Account documents folder in RangerMSP. If you want the files to be copied to the RangerMSP documents folder, copy the folder with all the files in the RangerMSP folder, and then import them into RangerMSP.

Files linked into RangerMSP rather than copied will remain in the jurisdiction of the Windows File Security system. In order to view these linked files from different computers, the security settings & sharing settings for that folder must include permissions for the rest of your domain users on other computers that need to access them.

More information on setting user permissions for linked files can be found here.

Managing Outlook Emails within RangerMSP

Email plays an important role in tracking customer activity. You can file Outlook® and Outlook Express® emails in RangerMSP and link them to Accounts, Tickets etc. by dragging them from Outlook and dropping them into RangerMSP. To open and view any emails, simply double-click the document within RangerMSP. The email message will be displayed in Outlook® together with any attached files. Note that when using Outlook to send email via the RangerMSP Email icon (i.e. from the Ticket window or from the Account window), this email will automatically be filed as a RangerMSP Document under the relevant Account/Ticket.

RangerMSP also offers advanced email correspondence tracking when using RangerMSP Email Connector. For more details see Email Distribution via RangerMSP Email Connector.

Using Word Merge Templates

You can merge RangerMSP Account data in Word Merge templates. This is useful for ensuring that all addressed envelopes and letters have the correct and most up-to-date contact information. To create a Word Merge template, you need to use Word's merge documents feature. You can manage Word templates in RangerMSP from Settings > Documents > Template Management.

To use RangerMSP Templates, in the New Document window select Create Based on a RangerMSP Template then select one of your predefined templates. RangerMSP data fields will automatically be populated in the new Word document based on the most updated information in RangerMSP.

Creating new Word Merge Templates in RangerMSP

To create new RangerMSP Word Templates:

  • Go to Settings > Documents > Template Manager.
  • Create a new Template. (The Base template may contain your default office template; you can leave it empty.)
  • Confirm the pop-up message in the new Word document window.
  • Edit the template. You may add your own text and RangerMSP database fields from the Insert Merge Fields option (it usually appears as a button on the Word's Mail Merge toolbar).
  • Save the template.
  • Create a new document in RangerMSP and select Based on RangerMSP Template in the Create From field. Then select your template file. The word document should open and the data from RangerMSP should be merged within the document.

Web Documents

A new document type has been added allowing you to store links to documents or files on Google Docs or Dropbox or any other web or "cloud" based file. Links can also use any protocol supported by the Web browser, not just HTTP, so you can even link to files on FTP or media servers of various kinds.

To add a Web Document:

  1. Click New Document from whichever part of the system that function exists.
  2. Select the Web Document type on the New Document popup
  3. Paste in the URL along with any other required document details.

To view a Web Document you just click the link which will open it in your browser.

See Also