Charges FAQ

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FAQ > Charges FAQ

Getting Started

Advanced Use

I have created a Block of Money contract for my customer. I would like the labor hours to be subtracted from their prepaid block. Is it possible?

All charges are entered under one of the Account’s active Contracts and automatically deducted from the prepaid block of money.

What is the difference between Billable charges and Not Billable charges?

A Charge can be set as Billable or Not Billable. When a Charge is set as Billable it means that you intend to bill the customer for this amount. The default value for this is determined by the type of contract under which the charge is created.

Note: Only billable charges can be billed.

For more details see the Introduction to Billing user guide under the Billable Flag section.

Some charges are by default billable, and some are by default not billable. How is this determined?

A default charge's billing status (Billable/Not Billable) is determined by the contract type linked to the charge:

  1. All new charges that are linked to System or Global contracts are set to Billable.
  2. All new labor charges that are linked to "Block of Time" contracts are set as Not Billable, while expenses and parts charges are Billable.
  3. All new charges that are linked to "Block of Tickets" or "Block of Money" contracts are set to Not Billable.

For more details see the Introduction to Billing user guide under the Billable Flag section.

Can I bill a customer for Not Billable charges?

You should only bill customers for Billable charges.

Using the Charge reports, you can print charge report that include both Billable and Not Billable charges, but select not to show the Not Billable charges prices and totals, and give the printouts to your customers. This way you can show your customers everything you do, and charge them only for what needs to be charged.

You can also use the RangerMSP-QuickBooks Link or RangerMSP-Xero Link to generate invoices in QuickBooks or in Xero based on Billable charges in RangerMSP. The QuickBooks/Xero Invoice Creation Wizard includes only Billable charges in the invoice total. You can also add non-billable charges to the invoice for reporting purposes, which will not affect the invoice total.

After Billing a charge how can I mark it so it will not be billed again?

In order to avoid billing the same charge more than once, mark it as billed. Right click on the charge > Mark as Billed, or enter the charge details and click on the Mark as Billed button. Note that when using QuickBooks or Xero, charges which are included in invoices are automatically marked as billed by the system.

If you don’t see the Mark as Billed option, this is because the charge’s status is Not Billable. To bill this charge, modify its status to Billable or link it to an existing invoice in QuickBooks or Xero by clicking the QB/Xero button.

How can I print unbilled charges reports for my customers?

Open the Reports window and navigate to the Charges category. On the right side you will see a list of Charges reports. Some reports are based at the ticket level while others are based at the Account or Contract level.

These reports list charges according to the filter criteria you select prior to generating the reports. For example, you can create the "Detailed Account Charges by Tickets" report, and filter it to include unbilled charges from July.

Please note that you can customize reports and design the layout for your bills. Learn more about these features.

If you use QuickBooks or Xero, you can easily generate QuickBooks or Xero invoices for unbilled charges listed in RangerMSP.

How can I print the charge reports showing the cost?

Open the Reports window and navigate to the Charges category. On the right side you will see a list of Charges reports. Some reports are based at the ticket level while others are based at the Account or Contract level.

Here you can find the List of Charges and Costs report, which calculates items' cost and displays it in the report, against the actual price used for the items while logging the Charge.

This can help you analyze your profitability better and find which products or parts affect your bottom line.

Can I define Custom Pricing for specific Accounts or Contracts?

Custom Pricing lets you set unique prices for different Accounts or Contracts. Once you define custom prices for an Account or Contract, these prices will be used automatically for every charge logged for Accounts or Contracts.

By default, the standard employee hourly rates and item prices will be used automatically. You should use custom pricing only when you want to use a different set of prices or rates for a specific Account or Contract. For example, custom pricing may be used to set a global 10% discount for a customer, or to set unique hourly rates for employees for a specific Account. To do so, set a Custom Price for the Account or Contract and define the adjustments. Once set, the system will automatically use the custom prices or rates instead of the standard ones when Charges are logged under this Account or Contract. When defining Custom Pricing, you can choose between a global custom price level or a per-item price.

You can read more about custom pricing in the Custom Pricing section.

What are Contract-Price Charges and when should they be used?

Contract-Price Charges provide an easy-to-use and innovative way to ensure that clients get billed for the service contracts you have signed with them, whether they are recurring contracts or ad-hoc contracts/projects.

Contract-Price Charges are used to charge for an amount agreed upon in a contract. For example, let’s say you sign a 50-hour (block-of-time) contract with a customer for a price of $1,000. You can then create a Contract-Price Charge to represent this amount ($1,000) in the RangerMSP system. A Contract-Price Charge only represents an amount listed for a contract—it does not represent a fee for specific work performed under a contract.

Contract-Price Charges work much like other charges in RangerMSP: they are included in reports; they can be defined as Billable; and they are included in invoices. However, since Contract-Price Charges do not represent specific work, they do not affect the balance of a contract block.

For further explanation, see Contract-Price Charges.

Can I create invoices using RangerMSP or is QuickBooks or Xero required?

You can print charge reports in RangerMSP and send them to your customers. Charge reports can be printed at the customer, service contract and trouble ticket levels. Each report displays all the relevant charges for labor, expenses and parts that were logged during the date range you've entered for the customer, contract or ticket.

Alternatively, you can use the RangerMSP-QuickBooks Link module to create QuickBooks invoices or RangerMSP-Xero Link to create Xero invoices.

See RangerMSP-QuickBooks Link and RangerMSP-Xero Link.

See Also