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November 8th, 2017, 06:58 PM
Posts: 14
Hi Guys,

I often forward mail from my mailbox to CommitCRM to create a new ticket. This is from my personal account which is listed as a valid address under my Business Account in CommitCRM.

Problem is these e-mails are being picked up by CommitCRM and sent to the internal support mailbox, not to a ticket.

In the Mail Connector settings the option to create a new ticket under my business account is selected, but they are going to the internal support address.

How do I change this and have them create a ticket?
November 9th, 2017, 06:03 AM
Support Team
Posts: 7,528
There may be two reasons for the behavior you described:

1. The email address you send the email from exists for multiple Accounts in RangerMSP, for example, under your business Account and under your Employee record (these are different records). Please verify that the email address is unique to avoid such cases.
We also recommend to run the Configuration Check option from the Settings menu > RangerMSP Email Connector to find such conflicts.

2. In case the email was sent from your Employee email address and it is unique - in that case - to have a new ticket opened under a customer Account you should add the customer/account email address prefixed with @ as part of the email subject in order to create a ticket on-behalf of customer.

For example:

Subject: @customer_email@customer_domain.com <original email subject>

It is also explained this article - How to create Tickets on behalf of your customers using emails.

Hope this helps.
November 12th, 2017, 09:59 PM
Posts: 14
Thanks, I knew I have seen this somewhere.

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