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September 26th, 2020, 11:01 AM
Posts: 226
Hi, ive not used my crm for a number of years but im back using it again and have the latest version. Do we have any automation yet? I want the following:

1. When I close a ticket I want the customer to receive a email in say 2 weeks to ask if everything is ok

2. When I close a ticket I want the customer to receive a email to leave feed back

3. Our staff need to be alerted that a ticket was closed 1 year ago to offer a checkup and also a email sent to the customer.

Another question. I have the web module installed. Is the customer web portal and engineer web portal the same?

September 28th, 2020, 06:00 AM
Support Team
Posts: 7,522
Thank you for posting this.

Customers may automatically receive emails when Tickets related to them are opened, closed or their status is changed. More details can be found in Alerts to Customers.

In order to get customer feedback, you may need to use a dedicated system, such as SurveyMonkey or GetFeedback or any other system.

You can implement this by adding a URL link to the survey system in the email alerts that are sent to customers about the ticket being closed (Email alert notifications to customers are fully customizable).

The link should be added in the Email Template that is used for this type of email alert

In case system template is in use, you should copy it to the new email template, customize it, select it to be used for Alerts to customers.

After editing Email Template you should RESTART 'CRM Server' service on your server.

You can also read how other users had implemented the customer surveys on this post.

Sending "follow up" emails to the customer *2 weeks/year after closing a ticket - we have similar requests on our list and we will add your comments.

The Web Interface for Employees and the Customer Web Portal use the same login page (IP address/ URL), however the Employee Web user is entirely different from the customer one where each has access to different information and can perform different actions. All subject to privileges.

Customers can access only the data related to their Account.

You can find more information in the following articles:

Defining Web Users

Customer Privileges

Hope this helps.

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