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May 9th, 2012, 01:19 PM
Allan Z
Posts: 1
How can I transfer a ticket completly from one company to another. I have use the step copy and select the company i want to move it to. Though this works, I also have to delete the first initial ticket so they are not duplicates. Is there a way to move the ticket to a another company with out having to do this?
May 9th, 2012, 02:53 PM
Support Team
Posts: 7,528
Hi Allan,

To transfer a Tickets to a completely different company you indeed need to copy it and then delete the old one.

Note that the application does provide ways to merge duplicate tickets and an option to merge duplicate accounts. So, if the reason you want to transfer the Ticket is because it was entered under the wrong Account, which has a duplicate one, you can use the Account Merge option. This option will copy all Tickets to the "master" account and delete the "redundant" account.

I hope this helps.


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