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October 21st, 2008, 02:32 AM
Posts: 9
I am trying to setup the sync option for Outlook inCommitCRM. When i try to sync in Options using the 'select' tab, a window pops up that gives the following message:

The following message has been recorded:

Invalid class string

If the above message/solution is not clear, and you are still encountering problems,

we recommend you log out from Commit, and log in again and retry.
October 21st, 2008, 07:04 AM
Support Team
Posts: 7,522

I believe this may happen is case there is a problem with privileges for the Outlook folders or that something is wrong with Outlook setup (more likely a privileges issue).

Please make sure you that the user who tries to sync with the selected folder has full access rights to the selected folder with all privileges. I recommend that you try to set these privileges again (even if they look correct) and retry synching.

Also make sure your have full Windows access rights to the RangerMSP main folders (<server>\RangerMSP\...) – whether it is installed on your C: drive or on your server make sure you have all privileges to these folders. Sometimes this requires to add domain users with full control to the shared directory on the server.

Note that if you are using Vista, from what we can find about the error message you have been receiving it seems this may have something to do with the Outlook installation (the part that lets third parties integrate with it). The recommended way to handle this is either to repair the Outlook installation using the Microsoft Outlook Recovery Tool or, maybe better, un-install and re-install the Outlook on the Vista.

October 21st, 2008, 07:39 AM
Posts: 9
I figured out that OUTLOOK has to be installed on the CommitCRM server. Once i installed outlook on the CommitCRM server i was able to sync outlook and CommitCRM. I am still confused as to what advantage this... it appears i can only sync CommitCRM with outlook locally (on the physical CommitCRM server) and CommitCRM will only sync one employee account.


1. I log into CommitCRM as "JOE"

2. While logged in as JOE...I sync with Outlook (installed on the pc that CommitCRM is installed on)

3. Only JOE's calendar sync's with Outlook on the CommitCRM server.

4. The other two technicians calendars (in commit) dont appear in the Outlook calendar

5. I log out as JOE and I log in as PETER, now when i try to sync with outlook again... CommitCRM tells me that OUTLOOKS sync settings (for pete's account) have not been set.

6. I set the Sync settings for Peter in CommitCRM and try to sync with Outlook...

7. CommitCRM tells me I cant sync (with Peter's account) as another user has already syncronised with OUTLOOK

What I want to do is:

Create service tickets for say 3 technicians.
Dispatch the tickets
Sync all the technicians with Outlook
And Allow each technician to view the outlook calendar (with all tech's appointments in one outlook calendar) on their own PC within the office.

Is this possible? Please explain as i am confused.
October 21st, 2008, 08:05 AM
Support Team
Posts: 7,522
Outlook should not be installed on the server (it can be though it doesn't have to be).

RangerMSP syncs all the appointments scheduled for a specific technician with their own Outlook folder. Each RangerMSP user should select their own Outlook folder for synchronization. Their Outlook folder can be stored locally on their PCs (a PST file) or remotely on the server (usually implemented with Exchange Server).

If you are using Exchange Server, then you can sync other users calendars for them. In other words, the dispatcher can select the "Sync Other Users Data" option and all the scheduled appointments for all of the technicians will be transfer to/from RangerMSP and Outlook. The only thing you should take care of is that the Dispatcher will have full access rights for the other technicians Exchange folders, and that each user will set up their Outlook sync settings from Tools > Options > Outlook. Note that each user should select their own folder, and they should also select the "Allow Other Users to Sync... for me".

I recommend on going over the explanation in the Setup Guide, under the Setting Up Outlook Sync section. This covers all you need to know in order to work with the Outlook Sync.

October 22nd, 2008, 12:32 AM
Posts: 9
Hi Ethan, thanks for the explanation I read the section on Setting up CommitCRM outlook sync, but i am not understanding how CommitCRM syncs with outlook on another pc? I installed CommitCRM and then tried to sync with another pc on the same lan but like i xplained b4, when i try that, the contacts folder selection window comes up blank ( it seems that CommitCRM on the host pc is not seeing outlook on the technicians pc)
October 22nd, 2008, 06:39 AM
Support Team
Posts: 7,522

Thank you for the clarification.

When you go to the Tools > Options > Outlook window, and try to select a folder for syncing, the available folders list displays all the available Outlook folders for this user on this PC.

You should first run Outlook on this client PC, and make sure you have full access to the desired Outlook folder - you should be able to add appointments to this folder (in Outlook), delete appointments, etc. Note that the folders don't need to be local (you can use Exchange folders), you just need to have a local Outlook client installed, and it needs to have access to these folders.

I believe that once you take care of the Outlook part, you will be able to run the RangerMSP client and see the available folders list.



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