Taxes FAQ

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FAQ > Taxes FAQ


Do I need to use taxes in RangerMSP?

Using taxes in RangerMSP is optional. By default, the tax option is not activated. To begin using taxes, you first need to define the taxes in the Account and set the Items as Taxable.

See more details in Using Taxes.

Where do I define taxes in RangerMSP?

To set the taxes in RangerMSP, you should:

  1. Define taxes for the Account.
  2. Define the item as Taxable.

How do I use taxes?

Using Taxes in RangerMSP requires that the Accounts have Tax codes defined and that the Items will be set as Taxable (which is done by default).

To start using taxes, set the Tax codes in your Accounts via the Account > Details tab.

In order for a tax to apply to a charge the following should be set:

  1. You've defined tax/es for the Account who is selected for the Charge record
  2. Item is set as taxable (this is done by default).

See more details in Using Taxes.

Can I set a default tax for Items or Accounts?

You can set a default tax for all new customers by going to Tools > Options > Accounts > Default Tax Codes. For Items, to set all Items as Taxable by default, go to Tools > Options > Charges & Items > Default Tax/es for New Items, and set the Taxable flag. Note that the Taxable flag is set by default when first installing the system.

See more details in Using Taxes.

Where can I see charge and tax information together?

Many Charge reports calculate the taxes and display them together. We recommend you print one of the following Charge reports to see an example of a report that displays the charges and taxes: Detailed Account Charges, Account Charges, Detailed Account Charges by Tickets.

See more details in Using Taxes.

See Also