Online Services FAQ

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FAQ > Online Services FAQ


What are Online Services used for in RangerMSP?

RangerMSP's Online Services are a powerful tool that allows you to access different web sites and use them in combination with your RangerMSP data.

To use this feature, you need to define Online Services within RangerMSP. You can define an unlimited amount of Online Services. for example, if you want to find out how to get to the office of one of your Accounts, simply set up an Online Service which opens Google Maps (or any other map site) and activates the service with the address stored in RangerMSP. Or you can set up an Online Service that automatically searches Google for a business' name listed in your RangerMSP data.

Click here to view RangerMSP Online Services Samples.

Can I use Online Services to display maps?

Yes. You can use Online Services to display map by defining an Online Service which will open maps site (e.g. Google Maps, Yahoo! Maps etc.) and the map will open automatically on the address of the Account or Contact stored in RangerMSP.

Click here to view RangerMSP Online Services Samples.

How do I setup Online Services in RangerMSP?

To define a new Online Service, Open the Online Services Management window from Settings > Online Services… or click the Online Services icon from the Accounts window toolbar. Click the New button to add a new Online Service and enter the following parameters:

  • Name - The name of the service which will be displayed in the Online Services list and menus throughout the system, for example, "Google Maps".
  • Base URL - The URL you wish to open in order to use the Service. This is the address of the main service (before passing any parameters to it), for example
  • URL parameters - Parameters which will be appended to the URL in order to create specific queries when opening the URL. These parameters can be RangerMSP Account database fields which will be taken and filled from RangerMSP when clicking the Online Service.

Click here to view RangerMSP Online Services Samples.

Where do I find Online Services samples?

Click here to view RangerMSP Online Services Samples.

Where can I activate Online Services from in RangerMSP?

Online Services can be activated from various places in RangerMSP application and web interface, including:

  • From various windows such as Account, Ticket, Asset, Opportunity, Item, Contract, Knowledge Base Article – click the Online Services icon to activate the service for the selected entity from any window in the system which supports Online Services.
  • The Dispatcher Windows - right-click on a selected Ticket to run any Online Service for the Ticket's Account or Contact (such as displaying a map).
  • The Calendar / Scheduled Appointments views – right-click above an Appointment and select Online Services.
  • Entity Pull-Down menu – anywhere where an entity has been selected from a pull-down menu, you can right-click and select Online Services.
  • Web Interface - all entities in the Web Interface provide a link to the Online Services defined for this entity type.

Can I activate Online Services from the RangerMSP Web Interface?

Yes, Online Services are available from RangerMSP's Web Interface. Online Services can be activated from various places in RangerMSP application and web interface, see more above.

See Also