KB: Keeping Your Customers In Touch With You

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RangerMSP provides various ways for your customers to keep in touch with you, create their own service Tickets and track the status of active Tickets and contracts.

In this article you can find a few ways to make it easier for you to keep in touch with your customers:

Customer Web Interface

RangerMSP Web Interface allows your customers to log in to the system and open their own tickets themselves. Tickets created by customers via RangerMSP Web Interface are automatically added to the Tickets Inbox, and if using RangerMSP Alerts Server, the Ticket Manager is automatically notified about the new Ticket by email.

The Customers Web Interface login page can be embedded to your own website, so that your users can access RangerMSP through your website.

In addition, customers can use the Web portal to view their Assets, Charges, Contracts, and more.

RangerMSP Email Connector (Email-to-Ticket)

RangerMSP Email Connector listens on a dedicated mailbox, and creates tickets for emails arriving from customers. It then sends the client (and optionally, employees) an email notifying them a new Ticket was created.

Tickets created by customers via RangerMSP Email Connector are automatically added to the Tickets Inbox, and if using RangerMSP Alerts Server, the Ticket Manager is automatically notified about the new Ticket by email.

In addition, when using RangerMSP Email Connector all email communication passes through the Email Connector and is automatically distributed to customers and employees and tracked in the Ticket History.

Email Alerts to Customers

The RangerMSP Alerts Server provides the ability to notify customers when a new ticket is created or a ticket is closed. See more details in Alerts to Customers.

New Ticket Alerts are sent when a new Ticket is created for the Account by an employee or via RangerMSP API. Closed Ticket Alerts are sent whenever a Ticket is closed, i.e. the Ticket Status changes to Completed.

The email contents can be customized to display exactly the information you want (using Email Templates).

See more details in Alerts to Customers.

Printing Reports

Reports in RangerMSP enable you to effectively review information and analyze clients and employee details. All your data is stored in one location, and can be easily accessed and aggregated into reports specifically designed to keep your finger on the pulse of your company. Reports keep all client information in a single location, accessible by any employee with proper security.

When it comes to keeping your customers in the loop, you can use many of the built-in reports to summarize activity and send it to your customers as a PDF file. You can use the powerful Report Designer tool to produce customized reports for each of your customers to help illustrate and document the value of the services you provide.

Using reports you can print Charge information to show all work performed, all time spent and amounts involved. The information can be filtered by the contracts/projects the customer has. You can also print information about the different Assets manage for your customers, including their service/warranty expiration dates.

See more details in Reports.

Using Quotes

Quotes in RangerMSP provide an easy way to define and create sales quotes and proposals for products and services, using your Items list.

Customers can view Quotes using the RangerMSP Web Interface, and print out their own copy via the Web. You can also customize Quotes layout and data to make sure it provides exactly the information you want it to include when being shown to your customers.

Customers using the Web Interface can view Quotes, print Quotes and accept Quotes online (Privileged users only)

See more details in Quotes.

RangerMSP API (Advanced)

RangerMSP API provides various tools in order to read/add/update information in the RangerMSP database. These tools include: Programming API and API by Email for updating the database, and an ODBC Link for pulling information from the database.

Using these tools you can create your own web-forms and update the RangerMSP database directly.

Updating the database can be done in the following ways:

  1. Using Programming API via various scripts and connecting directly with the database.
  2. Formatting the transaction into XML transactions and sending them via RangerMSP Email Connector which processes the transaction and updates the database.

See Also