Asset Configuration Note

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The Asset Configuration Note provides an easy way to define a customized data entry for an Asset. The Configuration Note is a structured field, which provides an easy way to enter data which is displayed as separate fields and gives a convenient view of the details.

The purpose of the Configuration Note is to keep Asset configuration details, depending on the Asset type. You can define various templates which hold different data according to the Asset type, and use the templates to conveniently enter the configuration details.

Each Asset can hold multiple notes, allowing you to enter various types of data for the Asset.

What is the Asset Configuration Note?

A Configuration Note is a set of separate data entries (fields), with a label and a value per entry, and the content of all entries is stored as a single Memo database field.

Each Configuration Note can hold several sections, and each section can contain a set of predefined entries, which can be loaded from a template. This way, you can define various note types (e.g. a different note per Asset Type), and easily enter the data via a friendly data-entry window.

When to use the Asset Configuration Note?

Use Configuration Note when you want to keep data in predefined separate fields without creating custom fields for each one.

For example, for a PC Asset you may want to keep the following information:

  • CPU
  • OS
  • HD
  • And more…

Users have several options for keeping this kind of information:

  1. Simple Note: you can simply write all these details in the Asset's simple Note field; however, this requires you to remember what to write each time.
  2. Custom Fields: your other option is defining custom tabs and fields; however, this information varies between different asset types (PC, Server, Printer, etc.) which may result in multiple Tabs and Custom fields per type. This can work great, however it requires advanced implementation and a lot of work. See more details in Field_Customization.
  3. Asset Configuration Note: you can use this easy-to-use structured data to keep your information arranged in separate fields. Using the Configuration Note field, you can easily insert predefined structured data, whether you load it from templates or define it on-the-fly, and update the data values as needed.

Using the Configuration Note is the recommended way to keep various configuration details for an Asset.

A word about Configuration Note vs. Custom Fields
The Configuration Note is textual by nature. It allows you to organize the data as separate “fields” in the display and to easily enter the data, however, the information is kept in the database as a single text field.

On the other hand, when using Custom Fields, you can use various field types, including numeric fields, and use them later on in reports, in report calculations, etc. Each Custom field is new field in the database, as opposed to the Configuration Note which is a single field for all the data stored in it. ]]

Using the Asset Configuration Note

The Configuration Note is added and modified via the Preview Tab of an entity or via the Asset's Configuration Note tab.

Each Note can contain multiple sections, each section with its own set of data entries. The sections can be moved up or down within the note, allowing you to arrange the data to your convenience.

Sections can be added manually, or from a template.

Add New Section

To add a new section to the Note, click Add Configuration Note Section.

The following window opens:

In this window you can add section header, new field entries (manually or from a template) and edit the values. See Add Entries.

Add Entries

Adding new entries to a section is done from the Configuration Note Section window.

Note: To add from a template, click the arrow near the menu option and choose the template you want to use. See more details in Configuration Note Templates.

To add new entries, click Add New Data Entries, or Switch to Setup Mode.

Each data entry can be of type:

  • Text
  • Memo (Multi-line Text)
  • Values Selection List

Text The Text field contains text in a single line.

Memo To enter multiple lines text, use the Memo field. This allows you to enter any length of data and cut it into lines.

Values List The Values Selection List allows you to use any existing values list from RangerMSP, or add a new list of values for your convenience. The list values can be edited at any time by selecting [Edit List...] from the list pull-down menu.

Note: Entries can contain characters or numbers; however, numbers entered into Structured Notes entries are saved as text, and cannot be used for calculations in the application or in reports. To use numeric fields for future calculations, see Custom Fields.

After adding the entries, click Ok to close the window. Save the Asset to keep changes done to the Configuration Note.

Change Sections Order

To change sections order, click the arrows at the Asset's Preview tab or Configuration Note tab.

Save the Asset to apply changes done to the Configuration Note.

Remove Section

To remove a section from the Configuration Note, click Edit to enter the Configuration Note Section Window, and click Delete.

Save the Asset to apply changes done to the Configuration Note.

Configuration Note Templates

Configuration Note Templates allow you to define a set of predefined entries, with labels and values, which can be easily added as a section to the asset. For example, you can define a template holding configuration fields per Asset Type, and use the template for each asset you create, according to its type.

Create Template

Creating templates can be done from the following places:

  1. From the Settings menu > Assets > Configuration Note Templates > New.
  2. While adding a new section to an Asset, click Save As Template.

In the New Template window:

  1. Enter the template name.
  2. Edit the Label and choose the data type for the first entry.
  3. Click Add Data Entry to enter additional entries. It is also possible to add a bunch of entries from an existing template using the Add Entries From Template option.
  4. Use the Up/Down arrows to determine the order of the entries in the template.

Edit Template

Editing templates can be done from the following places:

  1. From the Settings menu > Assets > Configuration Note Templates > choose the template you want to edit.
  2. From the entity’s Preview Tab or Configuration Note Tab, click the arrow next to the “Add Configuration Note Section” option and choose Edit Configuration Note Template and choose the template you want to edit.

In the Template Setup window you can:

  1. Rename the template in the Template Name field at the top of the window.
  2. Edit the Labels and change the data type for the first editing entries.
  3. Add entries via the Add Data Entry button or add a bunch of entries from an existing template using the Add Entries From Template option.
  4. Use the Up/Down arrows to change the order of the entries in the template.

Delete Template

Deleting templates can be done from the Edit Template window via:

  1. From the Settings menu > Assets > Configuration Note Templates > choose the template you want to delete.
  2. From the entity’s Preview Tab or Configuration Note Tab, click the arrow next to the “Add Configuration Note Section” option and choose Edit Configuration Note Template and choose the template you want to edit.

In the Template Setup window, click Delete at the bottom-right corner of the window to delete this Template.

Using Templates

Entries and their values can be loaded from a template and added to a section either from the main Asset's Preview tab, or while editing the Configuration Note Section.

Entries which are added from a Template are always appended to the section at its end. The entries order can be changed by editing the section and going to Setup mode using arrows “move up/down”.

Searching Within Configuration Note

The values entered in the entries can be searched using a powerful text search.

You can search both for the entry labels and the values. For example, you can search for the label “CPU” and value “i3".

Learn more about the powerful free-text search capabilities here.

Web interface

Configuration Note is available in read-only mode when using the Web interface. All details can be viewed, however, updates can be made only when using the Client application.

Customer Web Users Customer Web Users who are allowed to view their Asset details, can also be allowed to view the configuration note. To allow customers to see the configuration note, make sure the customer’s group privileges include the relevant privilege:

See more details in Customer Web User Privileges.

See Also