API Code Samples

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User Manuals > API Developers Guide > API Code Samples


Following are samples for using the low level RangerMSP API. The samples are basic and provide an easy starting point.

API functions

For detailed listing of the API functions and their parameters see API Functions Reference Manual.

Code samples

Data Retrieval API Samples

VB Sample - Data Retrieval

Private Declare Sub CmtInitDbQryDll Lib "C:\DemoVBA\ThirdParty\UserDev\CmtDbQry.dll" ( _
 ByVal xSoftWareName As String, _
 ByVal xDbPath As String, _
 ByRef xvStatus As Integer)

Private Declare Sub CmtTerminateDbQryDll Lib "C:\DemoVBA\ThirdParty\UserDev\CmtDbQry.dll" ()

Private Declare Sub CmtGetDescriptionByCode Lib "C:\DemoVBA\ThirdParty\UserDev\CmtDbQry.dll" ( _
 ByVal xCode As Long, _
 ByVal xDescLen As Long, _
 ByVal xvDesc As String)

Private Declare Sub CmtGetDescriptionByStatus Lib "C:\DemoVBA\ThirdParty\UserDev\CmtDbQry.dll" ( _
 ByVal xCode As Long, _
 ByVal xDescLen As Long, _
 ByVal xvDesc As String)
Private Declare Sub InitCommonControls Lib "comctl32.dll" ()
Private Declare Sub CmtGetFieldAttributesByRecId Lib "C:\DemoVBA\ThirdParty\UserDev\CmtDbQry.dll" ( _
 ByVal xXMLRequestBuff As String, _
 ByVal xXMLRequestBuffLen As Integer, _
 ByVal xXMLResponseDataBuff As String, _
 ByVal xXMLResponseDataBuffLen As Integer, _
 ByRef xvStatus As Integer)
Private Declare Sub CmtGetRecordDataByRecId Lib "C:\DemoVBA\ThirdParty\UserDev\CmtDbQry.dll" ( _
 ByVal xXMLRequestBuff As String, _
 ByVal xXMLRequestBuffLen As Integer, _
 ByVal xXMLResponseDataBuff As String, _
 ByVal xXMLResponseDataBuffLen As Integer, _
 ByRef xvStatus As Integer)

Private Declare Sub CmtGetQueryRecIds Lib "C:\DemoVBA\ThirdParty\UserDev\CmtDbQry.dll" ( _
 ByVal xXMLRequestBuff As String, _
 ByVal xXMLRequestBuffLen As Integer, _
 ByVal xXMLResponseDataBuff As String, _
 ByVal xXMLResponseDataBuffLen As Integer, _
 ByRef xvStatus As Integer)

 Private Const C_Ok  As Integer = 1
 Private Const C_AppName As String = "Demo"
 Private Const C_ErrorDescSize As Integer = 1024
 Private Const C_REC_ID_LEN As Integer = 20
 Private Const C_TktDataBuffSize  As Integer = 1024
 Private Const C_ChargeDataBuffSize  As Integer = 16384

rem *** XML containing a query for retrieving Charges of a specific Ticket
Private Function GetChargesRecIdOfTkRequstXml(xcTktRecId)
 GetChargesRecIdOfTkRequstXml     = 
	"<?xml version=""1.0"" ?>"                                               & _
	"<?crmxmlqueryrequest version=""1.0"" ?>"                          & _
       "<CRMQueryDataRequest>"                                            & _
       "<ExternalApplicationName>" & C_AppName & "</ExternalApplicationName>" & _
       "<Datakind> CHARGE </Datakind>"                                        & _
       "<MaxRecordCount> 100 </MaxRecordCount>"                               & _
       "<Query>"                                                              & _
       "<Where>"                                                            & _
       "<Link> ( </Link>"                                                 & _
       "<FLDSLPTICKETID op=""="">" & xcTktRecId & "</FLDSLPTICKETID>"      & _
       "<Link> )  </Link>"                                                & _
       "</Where>"                                                           & _
       "<Order>"                                                            & _
       "<FLDSLPSLIPDATE dir=""asc""> </FLDSLPSLIPDATE>"                   & _
       "</Order>"                                                           & _
       "</Query>"                                                             & _
End Function

rem *** String containing the Charge fields to be retrieved
Private Function GetChargeFlds()
 GetChargeFlds = "FLDSLPCARDID_FLDCRDFULLNAME"   & "," & _
                 "FLDSLPCONTACTID_FLDCRDCONTACT" & "," & _
                 "FLDSLPTICKETID_FLDTKTTICKETNO" & "," & _
                 "FLDSLPBCRECID_FLDBCTCODE"      & "," & _
                 "FLDSLPBCRECID_FLDBCTNAME"      & "," & _
                 "FLDSLPITEMID_FLDITMITEMNO"     & "," & _
                 "FLDSLPITEMID_FLDITMNAME"       & "," & _
                 "FLDSLPSLIPDATE"                & "," & _
                 "FLDSLPSTARTTIME"               & "," & _
                 "FLDSLPENDTIME"                 & "," & _
                 "FLDSLPQUANTITY"                & "," & _
                 "FLDSLPPRICE"                   & "," & _
                 "FLDSLPBILLTOTAL"               & "," & _
                 "FLDSLPHOURSAMOUNT"             & "," & _
                 "FLDSLPITEMUNITISHOUR"          & "," & _
                 "FLDSLPITEMTYPEGROUP"           & "," & _
                 "FLDSLPRECID"                   & "," & _
End Function

rem *** XML for retrieving a specific Charge
Private Function GetChargeRecDataReqXml(xcRecId)
  GetChargeRecDataReqXml = 
	"<?xml version=""1.0"" ?>" & _
       "<?crmxmlgetrecdatarequest version = ""1.0"" ?>" & _
       "<CRMGetRecDataRequest>" & _
       "<ExternalApplicationName>" & C_AppName & "</ExternalApplicationName>" & _
       "<GetRecordByRecId>" & xcRecId & "</GetRecordByRecId>" & _
       "<SelectFieldsList>" & GetChargeFlds() & " </SelectFieldsList>" & _
End Function

rem *************************************************************************************************
rem *** This code shows how to retrieve charges of a specific Ticket.
rem *** It performs the following steps:
rem *** 1. Initialized a connection with the database
rem *** 2. Calls CmtGetQueryRecIds to retrieve the Charges of a specific ticket according to the query
rem ***    defined in aRequestXml (which is returned from GetChargesRecIdOfTkRequstXml)  
rem *** 3. Calls CmtGetRecordDataByRecId to retrieve the Charge details of all charges returned.
rem *************************************************************************************************

Public Sub DbQry()

 Dim nStatus As Integer
 Dim aTktXMLResponseDataBuff As String * C_TktDataBuffSize
 Dim aChargeXMLResponseDataBuff As String * C_ChargeDataBuffSize
 Dim aErrorDescSize As String * C_ErrorDescSize
 Dim aChargesRecIdStr As String
 Dim aCurChargeRecIdStr As String

Rem  **** Establishing connection with RangerMSP, Should be called only once for the entire session ******

 Call CmtInitDbQryDll(C_AppName, "c:\DemoVBA\DB\", nStatus)

 If nStatus <> C_Ok Then
  Call CmtGetDescriptionByStatus(nStatus, C_ErrorDescSize, aErrorDescSize)
  MsgBox ("RangerMSP Init failed. Status Error code: " & nStatus & CHR(13) & CHR(10) & aErrorDescSize )
rem *** ADD YOUR CODE HERE (replace the line below this section):
rem *** Change the ticket ID below to fit a real ticket in your database.
  aRequestXml = GetChargesRecIdOfTkRequstXml("TKTVHIUTGO5KGUUCB4SL")

  Call CmtGetQueryRecIds(aRequestXml, Len(aRequestXml), aTktXMLResponseDataBuff, C_TktDataBuffSize, nStatus)
  If nStatus <> C_Ok Then
    MsgBox (aTktXMLResponseDataBuff)

  Call CmtGetDescriptionByStatus(nStatus, C_ErrorDescSize, aErrorDescSize)
  MsgBox ("Failed. Status Error : " & nStatus & CHR(13) & CHR(10) & aErrorDescSize )

rem *** parse the XML Buffer -> aTktXMLResponseDataBuff. Extract the error code that was returned from the api***

rem *** Call CmtGetDescriptionByCode(ErrorCodeFromXml, C_ErrorDescSize, aErrorDescSize)
rem *** MsgBox ("Failed. XML Error : " & ErrorCodeFromXml & CHR(13) & CHR(10) & aErrorDescSize )

    MsgBox (aTktXMLResponseDataBuff)

rem **** ADD YOUR CODE HERE (replace the line below this section): 
rem **** parse the XML Buffer(extract the charge(s) recid of the ticket) -> aTktXMLResponseDataBuff ****
rem **** The aChargesRecIdStr vairable contain the Charges recid that were extracted from the XML buffer 


    Do while (Len(aChargesRecIdStr)> 0 )

      aCurChargeRecIdStr = Left(aChargesRecIdStr, C_REC_ID_LEN)
      aChargesRecIdStr =   Right(aChargesRecIdStr, Len(aChargesRecIdStr) - C_REC_ID_LEN)

      aRequestXml = GetChargeRecDataReqXml(aCurChargeRecIdStr)
      Call CmtGetRecordDataByRecId(aRequestXml, Len(aRequestXml), aChargeXMLResponseDataBuff, C_ChargeDataBuffSize, nStatus)

      If nStatus <> C_Ok Then
        MsgBox (aChargeXMLResponseDataBuff )

        Call CmtGetDescriptionByStatus(nStatus, C_ErrorDescSize, aErrorDescSize)
        MsgBox ("Failed. Status Error : " & nStatus & CHR(13) & CHR(10) & aErrorDescSize )

rem *** parse the XML Buffer -> aChargeXMLResponseDataBuff. Extract the error code that was return from the api***

rem *** Call CmtGetDescriptionByCode(nStatus,C_ErrorDescSize, aErrorDescSize)
rem *** MsgBox ("Failed. XML Error : " & ErrorCodeFromXml & CHR(13) & CHR(10) & aErrorDescSize )

        MsgBox (aChargeXMLResponseDataBuff)
rem **** ADD YOUR CODE HERE: parse the XML Buffer(extract the charge info) -> aChargeXMLResponseDataBuff ****
      End If
  End If
 End If

 Call CmtTerminateDbQryDll

End Sub

VB Sample - Field Attributes Retrieval

Private Declare Sub CmtInitDbQryDll Lib "C:\DemoVBA\ThirdParty\UserDev\CmtDbQry.dll" ( _
 ByVal xSoftWareName As String, _
 ByVal xDbPath As String, _
 ByRef xvStatus As Integer)

Private Declare Sub CmtTerminateDbQryDll Lib "C:\DemoVBA\ThirdParty\UserDev\CmtDbQry.dll" ()

Private Declare Sub CmtGetDescriptionByCode Lib "C:\DemoVBA\ThirdParty\UserDev\CmtDbQry.dll" ( _
 ByVal xCode    as long, _
 ByVal xDescLen as long, _
 ByVal xvDesc   As String)

Private Declare Sub CmtGetDescriptionByStatus Lib "C:\DemoVBA\ThirdParty\UserDev\CmtDbQry.dll" ( _
 ByVal xCode    as long, _
 ByVal xDescLen as long, _
 ByVal xvDesc   As String)

Private Declare Sub InitCommonControls Lib "comctl32.dll" ()

Private Declare Sub CmtGetFieldAttributesByRecId Lib "C:\DemoVBA\ThirdParty\UserDev\CmtDbQry.dll" ( _
 ByVal xXMLRequestBuff As String, _
 ByVal xXMLRequestBuffLen As Integer, _
 ByVal xXMLResponseDataBuff As String, _
 ByVal xXMLResponseDataBuffLen As Integer, _
 ByRef xvStatus As Integer)

Private Declare Sub CmtGetRecordDataByRecId Lib "C:\DemoVBA\ThirdParty\UserDev\CmtDbQry.dll" ( _
 ByVal xXMLRequestBuff As String, _
 ByVal xXMLRequestBuffLen As Integer, _
 ByVal xXMLResponseDataBuff As String, _
 ByVal xXMLResponseDataBuffLen As Integer, _
 ByRef xvStatus As Integer)

Private Declare Sub CmtGetQueryRecIds Lib "C:\DemoVBA\ThirdParty\UserDev\CmtDbQry.dll" ( _
 ByVal xXMLRequestBuff As String, _
 ByVal xXMLRequestBuffLen As Integer, _
 ByVal xXMLResponseDataBuff As String, _
 ByVal xXMLResponseDataBuffLen As Integer, _
 ByRef xvStatus As Integer)

 Private Const C_Ok  As Integer = 1
 Private Const C_AppName As String = "Demo"
 Private Const C_ErrorDescSize As Integer = 1024
 Private Const C_DataBuffSize  As Integer = 1024 

rem *** XML containing the request for CmtGetFieldAttributesByRecId with the requested Field ID
Private Function GetFldAttrRequstXml(xcDicId)
  GetFldAttrRequstXml = "<?xml version=""1.0"" ?>"                                               & _
                        "<?crmxmlgetfieldattributesrequest version = ""1.0"" ?>"           & _
                        "<CRMGetRecDataRequest>"                                           & _
                          "<ExternalApplicationName>" & C_AppName & "</ExternalApplicationName>" & _
                          "<GetRecordByRecId>" & xcDicId & "</GetRecordByRecId>"                 & _
End Function 

rem *************************************************************************************************
rem *** This code shows how to retrieve field attributes (e.g Field Label, Field Name, etc.) 
rem *** from the RangerMSP database dictionary.
rem *** It performs the following steps:
rem *** 1. Initialized a connection with the database
rem *** 2. Calls CmtGetFieldAttributesByRecId to retrieve the details of a specific field according to the field ID defined 
rem ***    in aRequestXml   
rem *************************************************************************************************

Public Sub DbQry()

 Dim nStatus As Integer
 Dim aXMLResponseDataBuff As String * C_DataBuffSize
 Dim aErrorDescSize As String * C_ErrorDescSize
 Dim aRequestXml as String

 Call CmtInitDbQryDll(C_AppName, "c:\DemoVBA\DB\", nStatus)

 If nStatus <> C_Ok Then
   Call CmtGetDescriptionByStatus(nStatus, C_ErrorDescSize, aErrorDescSize)
   MsgBox ("RangerMSP Init failed. Status Error code: " & nStatus & CHR(13) & CHR(10) & aErrorDescSize )
   aRequestXml = GetFldAttrRequstXml("FLDCRDCITY")
   Call CmtGetFieldAttributesByRecId(aRequestXml, Len(aRequestXml), aXMLResponseDataBuff, C_DataBuffSize, nStatus)

   If nStatus <> C_Ok Then
     MsgBox (aXMLResponseDataBuff )

   Call CmtGetDescriptionByStatus(nStatus, C_ErrorDescSize, aErrorDescSize)
   MsgBox ("Failed. Status Error : " & nStatus & CHR(13) & CHR(10) & aErrorDescSize )

rem *** ADD YOUR CODE HERE: parse the XML Buffer -> aXMLResponseDataBuff. Extract the error code that was return from the api***

rem *** Call CmtGetDescriptionByCode(ErrorCodeFromXml , C_ErrorDescSize, aErrorDescSize)
rem *** MsgBox ("Failed. XML Error : " & ErrorCodeFromXml & CHR(13) & CHR(10) & aErrorDescSize )

     MsgBox (aXMLResponseDataBuff)
rem *** ADD YOUR CODE HERE: parse the XML Buffer -> aXMLResponseDataBuff ***
   End If
  End If

  Call CmtTerminateDbQryDll

End Sub

Data Update API Samples

The following code samples demonstrate how to add and update a record in RangerMSP from VBA, C++ or Delphi programs.

Make sure to read RangerMSP API Developers Guide before going through the samples, as it provides an overview of the RangerMSP API work-flow and how it should be used.

To test samples, it is recommended that you download a trial version of RangerMSP from our web site and install it on a new computer that is not running RangerMSP. Then, modify the paths in the source code to point to folder <testcomputer>\RangerMSP\LastVer (and to the same files it already points to).

When developing your programs please make sure you work under the <testcomputer>\RangerMSP\ThirdParty\UserDev folder (or at least call the dlls in this location). Do not copy the dll’s to any other location.

These samples create a connection to RangerMSP's database, add a new Account record into the database, and update it. Each transaction should specify the database table to be updated by the transaction. See more details in the API Reference Manual.

VB Sample

Private Declare Sub CmtInitDbEngDll Lib "C:\DemoVBA\ThirdParty\UserDev\CmtDbEng.dll" (ByVal xSoftWareName As String, _
 ByVal xDbPath As String, ByRef xvStatus As Integer)
Private Declare Sub InitCommonControls Lib "comctl32.dll" ()
Private Declare Sub CmtInsUpdRec Lib "C:\DemoVBA\ThirdParty\UserDev\CmtDbEng.dll" (ByVal xSoftWareName As String, _
 ByVal xDataKind As Integer, _
 ByVal xDataBuff As String, _
 ByVal xMapBuff As String, _
 ByVal xContWhenInvalidData As Integer, _
 ByVal xFlags As Integer, _
 ByVal xRecIDBuffLen As Integer, _
 ByVal xLogErrCodesBuffLen As Integer, _
 ByVal xLogErrMsgBuffLen As Integer, _
 ByVal xvRecIDBuff As String, _
 ByVal xvErrCodesLogBuff As String, _
 ByVal xvErrMsgLogBuff As String, _
 ByRef xvStatus As Integer)

 Private Const C_DataBuffSize  As Integer = 1024
 Private Const C_MapBufSize  As Integer = 1024
 Private Const C_ErrMsgBuffSize  As Integer = 1024
 Private Const C_ErrCodeBuffSize  As Integer = 64
 Private Const C_RecIDBuffSize  As Integer = 20
 Private Const C_Flag  As Integer = 1
 Private Const C_Ok  As Integer = 1
 Private Const C_AccountsTable  As Integer = 10
 Private Const C_AppName As String = "Demo"

Public Sub DBEng()

 Dim nStatus As Integer
 Dim l As Long
 Dim S As String
 Dim pStr As Long
 Dim MapBuff As String
 Dim DataBuff As String
 Dim RecIdBuff As String * C_RecIDBuffSize
 Dim ErrCodesLogBuff As String * C_ErrCodeBuffSize
 Dim ErrMsgLogBuff As String * C_ErrMsgBuffSize

 Call CmtInitDbEngDll(C_AppName, "c:\DemoVBA\DB\", nStatus)

 If nStatus <> C_Ok Then
   MsgBox ("RangerMSP Init failed. Error code: " & nStatus)
Rem  ******************** Establishing connection with RangerMSP, Should be called only once for the entire session ******
   MapBuff = "'" + Chr(13) + "," + Chr(13) + "FLDCRDFULLNAME" + Chr(13) + "FLDCRDDEAR" + Chr(13) + "FLDCRDCONTACT"
   DataBuff = "'Bart De Hantsetters','De Hantsetters','Hantsetters'"

   Call CmtInsUpdRec(C_AppName, _
                     C_AccountsTable, _
                     DataBuff, _
                     MapBuff, _
                     C_Flag, _
                     0, _
                     C_RecIDBuffSize, _
                     C_ErrCodeBuffSize, _
                     C_ErrMsgBuffSize, _
                     RecIdBuff, _
                     ErrCodesLogBuff, _
                     ErrMsgLogBuff, _

   If (ErrMsgBuff <> "") Then MsgBox ("Error Message: " + ErrMsgBuff)

   If nStatus <> C_Ok Then
     MsgBox ("Insert new Account. Error code: " & nStatus)
Rem      ******************** Updating the Account record we've just created *******************

     MapBuff = "'" + Chr(13) + "," + Chr(13) + "FLDCRDDEAR" + Chr(13) + "FLDCRDRECID"
     DataBuff = "'Doctor','" + RecIdBuff + "'"
     ErrCodesBuff = ""
     ErrMsgBuff = ""

     Call CmtInsUpdRec(C_AppName, _
                       C_AccountsTable, _
                       DataBuff, _
                       MapBuff, _
                       C_Flag, _
                       0, _
                       C_RecIDBuffSize, _
                       C_ErrCodeBuffSize, _
                       C_ErrMsgBuffSize, _
                       RecIdBuff, _
                       ErrCodesLogBuff, _
                       ErrMsgLogBuff, _

     If nStatus <> C_Ok Then MsgBox ("Update Account. Error code: " & nStatus)

     If (ErrMsgBuff <> "") Then MsgBox ("Error Message: " + ErrMsgBuff)
   End If
 End If
End Sub

C++ Sample

For all field description see the API Reference Manual.

// Demo.cpp : Defines the entry point for the console application.
#include "stdafx.h"
#include "CmtDBEng.h"
#include <string.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
int ErrCodesParsing (char* ErrCodeBuff)
// Demo.cpp : Defines the entry point for the console application.
#include "stdafx.h"
#include "CmtDBEng.h"
#include <string.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
int ErrCodesParsing (char* ErrCodeBuff)
 const int C_DescSize = 1024;
 char desc[C_DescSize];
 char Delimiter[] = "\n";
 int Code;
 char* pch;
 pch = strtok (ErrCodeBuff,Delimiter);
 while (pch != NULL)
   Code = atoi(pch);
        CmtGetDescriptionByCode(Code, C_DescSize, desc);
   printf ("%s\n",desc);
   pch = strtok (NULL, Delimiter);
 return 0;
int main(int argc, char* argv[])
 const int C_DataBuffSize = 1024;
 const int C_MapBufSize = 1024;
 const int C_ErrMsgBuffSize = 1024;
 const int C_ErrCodeBuffSize = 64;
 const int C_RecIDBuffSize = 64;
 const int C_Flag = 1;
 const int C_Ok = 1;
 const int C_AccountsTable = 10;
 const int C_ExampleCode = 54000;
 int Status;
 char DataBuff[C_DataBuffSize] = "";
 char MapBuff[C_MapBufSize] = "";
 char RecIdBuff[C_RecIDBuffSize];
 char ErrCodesBuff[C_ErrCodeBuffSize];
 char ErrMsgBuff[C_ErrMsgBuffSize];
 char* C_AppName = "Demo";
 //* Establishing connection with RangerMSP, Should be called only once for the entire session **
 CmtInitDbEngDll(C_AppName, // Your application name. This will be used for all functions of the
                            // package. 
 // Specify a meaningful value.
       "C:\\Demo\\DB\\", //Path to the database folder where RangerMSP the server is
                         // installed <server>\RangerMSP\Db
  &Status);           //Returned connection status
 if (Status == C_Ok) {
  //***Insert New Account into that Accounts table *******************
  strcpy (DataBuff,"'Bart De Hantsetters','De Hantsetters','Hantsetters'");
  strcat (RecIdBuff, "");
  strcat (ErrCodesBuff, "");
  strcat (ErrMsgBuff, "");
  CmtInsUpdRec(C_AppName,     //String for your selection.
               C_AccountsTable,    //Desired Table Code
               DataBuff,  //This string contains the values which we want to add to the database
               MapBuff,  //List of database fields where we want to add data
               C_Flag,//Flag - stop(0) continue(1) the input process is data 
                         //value(s) is invalid
               0,                        //Not used
               C_RecIDBuffSize,    //Length of REC ID Buffer
               C_ErrCodeBuffSize, //Length of Error Code Buffer
               C_ErrMsgBuffSize,  //Length of Error Message Buffer
               RecIdBuff,            //Buffer for returned REC ID
               ErrCodesBuff,        //Buffer for returned Error Codes
               ErrMsgBuff,           //Bufer for returned Error Messages
               &Status               //Returned status
  if (ErrMsgBuff == "")
  printf("Error Message: %s", ErrMsgBuff);
  if (Status == C_Ok) {
     //***** Updating the Account record we've just created *************
     strcpy (MapBuff, "'\n,\nFLDCRDDEAR\nFLDCRDRECID"); // Map file for the  update 
     // transaction - the Dear field and the record id
     strcpy (DataBuff,"'Doctor','");
     strcat (DataBuff, RecIdBuff);
     strcat (DataBuff, "'");
     strcat (ErrCodesBuff, "");
     strcat (ErrMsgBuff, "");
     CmtInsUpdRec(C_AppName,    // string for your selection.
                  C_AccountsTable,    // Desired Table Code
                  DataBuff,   // string contains the values, which we want to add into the Database
                  MapBuff,    // list of the Database Fields in which we want to add data
                  C_Flag,     // Flag - stop(0)/continue(1) the input process is some data
                              // value(s) is invalid
                  0,                         // Not used
                  C_RecIDBuffSize,     // length of RecID Buffer
                  C_ErrCodeBuffSize,  // length of Error Code Buffer
                  C_ErrMsgBuffSize,   // length of Error Message Buffer
                  RecIdBuff,             // buffer for returned RecID
                  ErrCodesBuff,         // buffer for returned Error Codes
                  ErrMsgBuff,            // bufer for returned Error Messages
                  &Status                // returned status
     if (ErrMsgBuff == "")
       printf("Error Message: %s", ErrMsgBuff);
      printf("Insert new Account. Error code: %d\n", Status);
   //****Terminate connection with RangerMSP*******************
   printf("RangerMSP Init failed. Error code: %d\n", Status);
 	return 0;

Delphi Sample

For all field description see the API Reference Manual.

program Demo;
 SysUtils, Classes;
 C_DataBuffSize = 1024;
 C_MapBufSize = 1024;
 C_ErrMsgBuffSize = 1024;
 C_DescSize = 1024;
 C_ErrCodeBuffSize = 64;
 C_RecIDBuffSize = 64;
 C_Flag = 1;
 C_Ok = 1;
 C_AccountsTable = 10;
 C_AppName = 'Demo';
 CmtDbEngDll = 'CmtDbEng.DLL';
 Status: integer;
 DataBuff: array [0..C_DataBuffSize] of Char;
 MapBuff: array [0..C_MapBufSize] of Char;
 RecIdBuff: array [0..C_RecIDBuffSize] of Char;
 ErrCodesBuff: array [0..C_ErrCodeBuffSize] of Char;
 ErrMsgBuff: array [0..C_ErrMsgBuffSize] of Char;
 s: string;
//** Establishing connection with RangerMSP, Should be called only once for the entire session *
Procedure CmtInitDbEngDll (
             xSoftWareName   : PChar; // Your application name. Once selected this  string 
                                      // will be used for all
                                      // functions of the package. Specify a meaningful value.
             xDbPath         : PChar; // Path to the DB folder under where RangerMSP server is 
                                      // installed <server>\RangerMSP\Db
             var xvStatus     : integer           // Returned connection status
            ); stdcall; external CmtDbEngDll;
//**** Insert/Update record
Procedure CmtInsUpdRec(
             xSoftWareName   : pChar;            // See above
             xDataKind           : integer;      // Desired Table Code
             xDataBuff           : pChar;        // String containing the values, which we want
                                                 // to add into the Database
             xMapBuff            : pChar;        // List of the database fields into 
                                                 //which we want to add data
             xContWhenInvalidData : Integer;     //Flag - stop(0)/continue(1) the input process
                                                 // is some data value(s) is invalid
             xFlags                : Integer;              // Not used
             xRecIDBuffLen      : Integer;          // Length of REC ID Buffer
             xLogErrCodesBuffLen  : Integer;  // Length of Error Code Buffer
             xLogErrMsgBuffLen     : Integer;     // Length of Error Message Buffer
             xvRecIDBuff          : pChar;            // Buffer for returned REC ID
             xvErrCodesLogBuff : pChar;         // Buffer for returned Error Codes
             xvErrMsgLogBuff    : pChar;         // Buffer for returned Error Messages
              var xvStatus       : Integer          // Returned status
             ); stdcall; external CmtDbEngDll;
//**** Terminate connection with RangerMSP ****
procedure CmtTerminateDbEngDll; stdcall; external CmtDbEngDll;
procedure CmtGetDescriptionByCode(
                                 xCode     : Integer;
                                 xDescLen  : Integer;
                                 xvDesc    : pChar); stdcall; external CmtDbEngDll;
procedure CmtGetDescriptionByStatus(
                                   xCode     : Integer;
                                   xDescLen  : Integer;
                                   xvDesc    : pChar); stdcall; external CmtDbEngDll;
procedure ErrCodesParsing (ErrCodeBuff: string);
 lList: TStringList;
 i: integer;
 aDescErrCode : Pchar;
   lList := TStringList.Create;
   lList.Text := ErrCodeBuff;
   for i := 0 to lList.Count - 1 do
     CmtGetDescriptionByCode(StrToInt(lList[i]), C_DescSize, aDescErrCode);
     writeln('Error Code: '+lList[i]+' Desc: '+string(aDescErrCode));
procedure DisplayErrStatusCode(xCode : Integer);
 aStatusErrCode : Pchar;
   CmtGetDescriptionByStatus(xCode,C_DescSize, aStatusErrCode);
   writeln('RangerMSP Init failed. Error code: '+Inttostr(xCode)+' Desc: '+string(aStatusErrCode));
 //**** Establishing connection with RangerMSP, Should be called only once for the entire session 
 CmtInitDbEngDll(C_AppName, // Your application name. Once selected this string will be used 
                            // for all functions of the package. Specify a meaningful value.
  'C:\DemoDelphi\db\',                    // Path to the DB folder under where RangerMSP server is
                                          // installed <server>\RangerMSP\Db
  Status                   // Returned connection status
 if Status = C_Ok then
   //**** Insert a new Account into the Accounts table ****
   s := '"Bart De Hantsetters","De Hantsetters","Hantsetters"';
   StrPCopy(DataBuff, s);
   s := '"'+#13','+#13+'FLDCRDFULLNAME'+#13+'FLDCRDDEAR'+#13+'FLDCRDCONTACT'+#0;
   StrPCopy(MapBuff, s);
    CmtInsUpdRec(C_AppName,         // Your application name
                 C_AccountsTable,   // Desired Table Code
                 DataBuff,          // String containing the values, which we want to add into
                                    // the Database
                 MapBuff,           // List of the Database Fields in which we want to add data
                 C_Flag,            // Flag - stop(0)/continue(1) the input process is some data
                                    // value(s) is invalid
                 0,                             // Not used
                 C_RecIDBuffSize,         // Llength of REC ID Buffer
                 C_ErrCodeBuffSize,      // Length of Error Code Buffer
                 C_ErrMsgBuffSize,       // Length of Error Message Buffer
                 RecIdBuff,                 // Buffer for returned REC ID
                 ErrCodesBuff,             // Buffer for returned Error Codes
                 ErrMsgBuff,                // Buffer for returned Error Messages
                 Status                      // Returned status
   if (ErrMsgBuff[0] <> #0) then
     writeln('Error Message: '+ ErrMsgBuff);
   if Status = C_Ok then
 //**** Updating the Account record we've just created *****
     // Map file for the update transaction - the Dear field and the record id
     s := '"'+#13+','+#13+'FLDCRDDEAR'+#13'FLDCRDRECID';
     StrPCopy(MapBuff, s);
     s := '"Doctor","'+RecIdBuff+'"';
     StrPCopy(DataBuff, s);
     CmtInsUpdRec(C_AppName,           // Your application name
                  C_AccountsTable,     // Desired Table Code
                  DataBuff,            // String containing  the values, which we want
                                       // to add into the Database
                  MapBuff,             // List of the database fields into which we want to add
                  C_Flag,              // Flag - stop(0)/continue(1) the input process is some
                                       // data value(s) is invalid
                  0,                   // Not used
                  C_RecIDBuffSize,     // Length of REC ID Buffer
                  C_ErrCodeBuffSize,   // Length of Error Code Buffer
                  C_ErrMsgBuffSize,    // Length of Error Message Buffer
                  RecIdBuff,           // Buffer for returned RECID
                  ErrCodesBuff,        // Buffer for returned Error Codes
                  ErrMsgBuff,          // Buffer for returned Error Messages
                  Status               // Returned status
     if ((ErrMsgBuff[0] <> #0)) then
       writeln('Error Message: '+ ErrMsgBuff);
     if Status = C_Ok then
       Writeln('Completed Successfully');
       s := IntToStr(Status);
       s := 'ill-defined';
     writeln('Insert new Account. Error code: '+ s);
 //**** Terminate connection with RangerMSP****
 writeln(#13#10+'press Enter to quit');

Python Sample 1

For all field description see the API Reference Manual.

Contributed by: Joe Kogut

Note: The example was tested on Python 3.5, but will work with Python 2.7 with minor modifications.

 import os
 from ctypes import *

 CRMEntity = {
    "Account"       : 10,
    "Accounts"      : 10,
    "Opportunitity" : 20,
    "Opportunities" : 20,
    "Document"      : 30,
    "Documents"     : 30,
    "Charge"        : 40,
    "Charges"       : 40,
    "Event"         : 50,
    "Events"        : 50,
    "HistoryNote"   : 60,
    "HistoryNotes"  : 60,
    "Ticket"        : 70,
    "Tickets"       : 70,
    "Item"          : 80,
    "Items"         : 80,
    "Asset"         : 90,
    "Assets"        : 90,
    "KBArticle"     : 100,
    "KBArticles"    : 100

    class CRMRecord:
        def __init__(self, tableID, dataBuff, mapBuff, recID = ""):
                self.tableID            = tableID
                self.dataBuff           = create_string_buffer(bytes(dataBuff, "ascii"))
                self.mapBuff            = create_string_buffer(bytes(mapBuff, "ascii"))

                self.recIDBuffSize      = 20
                self.errCodesBuffSize   = 64
                self.errMsgBuffSize     = 1024

                self.recIDBuff          = create_string_buffer(bytes(recID, "ascii"), self.recIDBuffSize)
                self.errCodesBuff       = create_string_buffer(self.errCodesBuffSize)
                self.errMsgBuff         = create_string_buffer(self.errMsgBuffSize)

        def getRecID(self):
                return str(self.recIDBuff.raw, encoding='ascii')
class CRMDB:        
        def __init__(self, appName = 'CRMAgent', CRMPath = r'C:\RangerMSP'):
                self.CRMPath = CRMPath
                self.serverPath = CRMPath + r'\Server'
                self.DBPath = CRMPath + r'\Db'
                self.DBPath_bytes = create_string_buffer(bytes(self.DBPath, 'ascii'))
                self.appName = appName

                os.environ['PATH'] = self.serverPath + ';' + os.environ['PATH']
                self.CmDBEngDll = windll.LoadLibrary(self.serverPath + r'\cmtdbeng.dll')
                self.status = c_int()

        def InitDbEngDll(self):
                self.CmDBEngDll.CmtInitDbEngDll(self.appName, self.DBPath_bytes, byref(self.status))
        def InsUpdRec(self, record):            
                flag = 1
                tbd = 0

                self.CmDBEngDll.CmtInsUpdRec(create_string_buffer(bytes(self.appName, "ascii")),
                                             flag, tbd,
        def TerminateDbEngDll(self):
if __name__ == '__main__':
        # db.status should be 1 if library initialized properly
        db = CRMDB()

        # Add an account to the database
        dataStr = "'Bart De Hantsetters','Hantsetters'"
        rec = CRMRecord(tableID = CRMEntity["Account"],
                           dataBuff = dataStr,
                           mapBuff = mapStr)

        # db.status should be 1 if operation was successful
        print("Insert status: ", db.status)
        print("RecID: ", rec.getRecID())

        # Update the existing record
        dataStr = "'De Hantsetters','" + rec.getRecID() + "'"
        mapStr = "'\n,\nFLDCRDLASTNAME\nFLDCRDRECID"

        rec = CRMRecord(tableID = CRMEntity["Account"],
                           dataBuff = dataStr,
                           mapBuff = mapStr)
        print("Update status: ", db.status)

Python Sample 2

For all field description see the API Reference Manual.

Contributed by: Ilja Christensen

import clr
from System import String, Char, Int32
CRMLib = clr.AddReference(R'\\RangerMSP\ThirdParty\UserDev\CRMLib.dll')
import CRM

MSP = CRM.Application
MSPConfig = CRM.Config()
MSPConfig.AppName = "CRMAgent"
MSPConfig.DllFolder = R"\\RangerMSP\ThirdParty\UserDev"
MSPConfig.DbFolder = R"\\RangerMSP\Db"
print(f"Database initialized: {MSP.instance().initialized_}")

# Search account by name, the list has to be initialized before using it.
accountSearch = CRM.ObjectQuery[CRM.Account]()
accountSearch.AddCriteria(CRM.Account.Fields.FileAs, CRM.OperatorEnum.opEqual, 'ACME Cool Company')
# Display results
print (f"Number of accounts: {len(accountlist)}")
for x in range(len(accountlist)):
    print (f"Found REC_ID: {accountlist[x].AccountREC_ID}")

# If we find exactly one record then we update it (otherwise a new record is created)
if (len(accountlist) == 1):
    account = CRM.Account(accountlist[0].AccountREC_ID)
    account = CRM.Account()
account.FileAs = "ACME Cool Company"
account.Dear = "Mr."
account.Contact = "Johnny Doe"
RecID = account.AccountREC_ID
print (f"Updated: {RecID}")

# Close Database connection
print(f"Database initialized: {MSP.instance().initialized_}")

XML samples

Following are samples for adding a new Ticket and a new Charge to the RangerMSP database using XML formatted messages.

Make sure to go over the Email Connector setup guide, and perform the XML API setup steps prior to testing the XML API.

Also please read RangerMSP API Reference Manual before going through the samples, as it provides an overview of the RangerMSP API work-flow and how it should be used.

Notes on API by Email Activation:

  • Error Handling - Should the system fail to perform the XML transaction, an error message will be sent to the email address specified in the XML.
  • Using a Password - If you wish to use a verification password for the XML transactions, define the password using the ServerConfig.exe utility. To do so, go to the XML tab, enable the API by Email option and set a password (as specified in the XML - see General XML Tokens). Make sure to set the same Password in ServerConfig and in the XML email itself.

You can read more about the ServerConfig and how to setup the API by Email configuration in the RangerMSP Email Connector Setup guide.

General XML Tokens

The sample and table demonstrates general parameters which should be used for any XML transaction.

For all field description see the API Reference Manual.

<?xml version="1.0" ?>
<?crmxml version = "1.0" ?>
  <ReturnTransactionID>data from external application (will be returned as-is in the response) 
	    ... the transaction goes here ...
Token Comment
<?xml version="1.0" ?> The XML version - Always 1.0
<?crmxml version ="1.0" ?> The RangerMSP API XML version - Always 1.0
<crmTransaction> Start and end transactions with this token (may have more than one in a single email)
<ExternalApplicationName> The sender application name, can contain any text
<SendResponseToEmail> When set with an email address, then a response email will be sent after processing this transaction by the Email Connector
<Password> Optional Password - Only emails with a password that matches the password set in the Email Connector Settings will be processed (to prevent SPAM email from being processed and added to your RangerMSP database).
<DataKind> What is the Entity you wish to create/update.

Possible values:
ACCOUNT - for Accounts
TICKET - for Tickets
CHARGE - for Charges
ITEM - for Items
APPOINTMENT-OR-TASK - for Appointments/Task
HISTORY-NOTE - For History notes
ASSET - for Assets
OPPORTUNITY - for Sales Opportunities
DOCUMENT - for Documents
ARTICLE - for Knowledge Base articles

Adding new Ticket

In this sample, we add a new Ticket, and set some additional fields to it, such as Notes, Source, Due Date and Dispatcher flag.

<?xml version="1.0" ?>
<?crmxml version = "1.0" ?>
  <ReturnTransactionID>data from external application (will be returned as-is in the response)
        <FLDTKTPROBLEM>ticket description...</FLDTKTPROBLEM>

Adding new Charges

<?xml version="1.0" ?>
<?crmxml version = "1.0" ?>
  <SendResponseToEmail>your email address for responses</SendResponseToEmail>
  <Password>12345</Password>  >> Should be the same in the ServerConfig!
  <ReturnTransactionID>data from external application (will be returned as-is in the response) 
        <FLDSLPDESC>  Charge Description...   </FLDSLPDESC>
        <FLDSLPSLIPDATE>  31/01/2008   </FLDSLPSLIPDATE>
        <FLDSLPPRICE> 125.3   </FLDSLPPRICE>
        <FLDSLPUSER1>  Field 1...   </FLDSLPUSER1>

Receiving Response

When adding or updating data via the XML API, the system can send a response (if the XML transaction specifies this in the SendResponseToEmail token). The format of the XML response is as follow:

Response in case of success:

<?xml version="1.0" ?>
<?crmxml version="1.0" ?>
	<ReturnTransactionID>data from external application (as-is)</ReturnTransactionID>

Response in case of error:

<?xml version="1.0" ?>
<?crmxml version="1.0" ?>
	<ReturnTransactionID>data from external application (as-is)</ReturnTransactionID>
	Fields with illegal values: Operation canceled. Field: Account has invalid data - 

Token Comment
<?xml version="1.0" ?> The XML version - Always 1.0
<?crmxml version ="1.0" ?> The RangerMSP API XML version - Always 1.0
<crmResponse> The response starts and ends with this token
<Status> The transaction status. Possible values: FAILURE, SUCCESS
<SendResponseToEmail> When set with an email address, then a response email will be sent after processing this transaction by the Email Connector
<AffectedRecId> The REC ID of the entity which was added or updated when processing the transaction.
In case of a failure, this will contain the error code and description. You can find more information about error codes here.

See Also