KB: Managing Your Inventory

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When your business needs to maintain a product & part inventory, the needs arises to have RangerMSP have the ability to talk to your Inventory Solution software, in order to keep your inventory lists up to date. Using RangerMSP, you can have the system easily update your inventory without having to manually enter the information again into your inventory software.


The items stored in RangerMSP are only kept for billing purposes, and are not used in any inventory tracking capacity; however, the charges can be used to pass quantity information to 3rd party inventory solution software. For now, customers who also manage inventory have 3 alternatives that are usually enough.


  • By exporting your charges, you can later import the charge list into a 3rd party inventory application, which will automatically correct the inventory list according to the imported list. This method can be done once a day/week, or even a few times a day.


  • Using ODBC is very similar to the first option; however, instead of exporting and importing the information, you can have it automatically retrieved from RangerMSP directly into your Inventory Solution, which will automatically adjust the quantities in your inventory accordingly, as long as your Inventory Solution supports ODBC. The ODBC driver handles all communication of data between your database and the 3rd party software you want the information to go to. The RangerMSP ODBC only supports information being read from the RangerMSP database. The ODBC is free and open to all customers who wish to use it, the best practices for use with the ODBC can be found in the link below.
  • The ODBC is an advanced option, and should be used if you've have had experience with getting ODBC applications to talk to each other.


  • You can use the RangerMSP QuickBooks Link to generate QuickBooks invoices right from within RangerMSP and based on the charges logged into RangerMSP. Inventory items in QuickBooks, which are in sync with RangerMSP’s items that were selected to be charged in RangerMSP, will affect inventory levels when transferred to QuickBooks as an invoice line.

See Also