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August 11th, 2008, 11:28 PM
Posts: 33
We created access code and some how it is not showing up when we create new ticket. Is it something we are doing incorrect or missing a step? Plus, what the best way to code them? By brand name then product? How would you do it?

August 12th, 2008, 07:07 AM
Support Team
Posts: 7,522

I believe you are referring to Asset Codes. Assets should be first linked to the specific account in order for them to appear in the assets selection list for new tickets. Note that you can create assets which are not linked to any account, but once you wish to link them to a ticket, this means they are now associated with this customer.

You can link the Asset to the Account from the Asset window, and select the Account in the Account field. After you save the changes, it will then appear in the list when you create a new ticket for this account.

I hope this helps.


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