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November 6th, 2014, 03:24 PM
Posts: 17

This is probably a long-shot but is there a way to prevent pasting in the footer field of quotes? Or, alternatively only allow predefined text in the footer field but still allow that predefined text to be edited?

We have several predefined terms and conditions that we've created, but we also have several very old and very stubborn sales people. I'm trying to force them to only use the predefined text.

November 7th, 2014, 06:00 AM
Support Team
Posts: 7,528
The footer field is a free text memo field that supports insertions of predefined texts, however, you cannot lock that field.
What you may do is include your terms and conditions section as part of the report layout itself (e.g. fixed) and remove the Footer memo field from that report template. This way your template-fixed terms and condition section will always be included and any text typed into the footer memo will be ignored and won't get printed.

Hope this helps.

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