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June 15th, 2014, 10:13 PM
Posts: 4
We have been work with this issue for some time just wanted to see if anyone else has seen this and knows of a fix. We run commitcrm on a TSserver and use the outlook sync with a hosted exchange. From time to time on our phones and within outlook we will get a calendar reminder popup. The popup is the same every time and for all users CmtTstltem-Deleted is the message. I am sure this has to do when the since and the appt on the calendar is gone with in a second so fast that the outlook reminder does not popup but on the phone it will. Most of our techs have just turned of reminders on their phones.
June 16th, 2014, 06:13 AM
Support Team
Posts: 7,528
Thank you for posting this.

These records are created as a part of privileges tests when working with RangerMSP-Outlook sync and can be ignored.

In any case, you can disable the check as follows - create an empty textual file with the following name under the following folder:


Then, restart RangerMSP clients. This will disable the tests and prevents such deleted records from being created.

In case you will ever face any sync issues, delete this file, restart RangerMSP clients and sync. This will revert back and re-enable the checks so you'll see an error message of what the connection issue is.

Hope this helps.

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