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January 4th, 2013, 03:51 PM
Posts: 15
I recently took the CommitCRM plunge. While I've been very happy and in gathering a lot of the information CommitCRM can track I've noticed things like lapsed renewals which make CommitCRM worth it by itself, I have also noticed several shortcomings. Some of these may be on the dev team's radar or there may be workarounds (which I'd love to hear about) but I wanted to list them here so they can be considered for future releases:

  • Default mask for data entry fields
    • For example, ability to create a mask for phone/fax so that numbers appear in a specified format by default (maybe make it so users can delete the mask to enter non-standard numbers). If I enter a number (being in the US) it would be nice if I could make (XXX)XXX-XXX standard or something similar.
  • Ability to track passwords in an encrypted format
    • I know Interlink can do this, but it would be a nice-to-have native to Commit, even if on a more basic level

Activity Templates
  • Allow appointment schedule next *available* time (currently just schedules a time with a person)
  • Allow appointment schedule first Monday of month or something similar

  • Easy ticket merge
    • Particularly with MAX link, can end up with 10 tickets for different services shutting down due to Exchange restarting -> would be nice to be able to easily merge them. If merging per se is difficult, it would be acceptable to close all but the master ticket and set their resolution to reference another ticket.
  • Ticket resolution autofill
    • Upon ticket close with no resolution, allow resolution field to be automatically copied from last charge entered on ticket (I often end up having to copy the data from the charge for the resolution unnecessarily).

  • Treat software assets like contracts
    • Make them renewable, link them to an item for billing and use the asset price upon billing
    • Allow renewing license like contracts (copy existing once it has expired)
    • Allow renewing licenses in bulk (check expired products to bill and renew)
    • Upon renewing set status to Pending Payment or something similar
    • A third flag, Pending, would be nice for licenses that are awaiting payment by client or processing from vendor (might be worth considering more than 2).
  • Software and Hardware views for assets
    • Software and hardware are two different beasts - I want different columns for each so on the software side I can easily see what renewals I need to work on and in the hardware side I can check out warranty status. Right now this is all lumped in one (two tabs at the top would be ideal).

Calendar Sync
  • Ability to automatically open Outlook if not running to sync
  • Sync with Google Apps (even if only one-way)

GFI MAX RMM Integration
  • Allow mass linking of assets in GFI MAX to CommitCRM (have to one by one add new assets - can be very tedious).
  • A system to "ignore" certain assets from GFI MAX (maybe I don't ever want a PC for a particular client listed). Right now it will appear every time I go to link which requires me to remember I don't want it linked (or link it anyway).
  • Purchased from us field defaults to yes - would like it not to when importing, any way to change?

If anyone has any workarounds to anything on my list or suggestions for my usage, please feel free to chime in.
January 5th, 2013, 02:43 PM
Posts: 157
I'll add to the wish list:

Re-occurring and scheduled tickets. IE for annual SSL renewals, monthly server maintenance or other recurring tasks.

Native Microsoft Exchange Sync. Goes without saying, we NEED THIS!
January 7th, 2013, 06:05 AM
Support Team
Posts: 7,528
Thank you for posting this and for suggesting different items like the password manager, formatting, asset related items and more. Please find a few notes related to GFI MAX, the other items will be considered.

A system to "ignore" certain assets from GFI MAX
You can link such devices for an existing Asset and it will not be listed under 'unlinked devices'. The trick here is that you can link many GFI MAX devices to single RangerMSP asset, so you can use this Asset as a container for all unlinked devices.

Allow mass linking of assets in GFI MAX to RangerMSP (have to one by one add new assets - can be very tedious)
I think mass linking of assets might be somewhat risky (business wise) because of the different structure and implementation of GFI MAX's Devices and RangerMSP's Assets. We will review it though. Thanks.
January 7th, 2013, 06:30 AM
Posts: 15
I appreciate your ear (or eyes rather). I did not know I could link multiple GFI assets to a single CommitCRM asset so that definitely helps.

I also agree that linking multiple assets could be difficult. However, I think perhaps the smallest step (and most beneficial) would be a way to check off all the GFI assets you want to create new CommitCRM assets for and then auto create them in CommitCRM instead of one-by-one creating new assets for each GFI asset. I envision clicking a batch create new assets button, and a pop-up form that has drop downs for vendors for each of the checked items.

Most of the time (for me at least), my assets originate in GFI first and would not be in CommitCRM yet (new GFI assets are usually new managed services customers being brought online - things I wouldn't have inventoried, entered or seen). My problem is less with matching multiple GFI/CommitCRM assets at the same time - more with entering new GFI assets that don't exist.

Thanks again for the advice and considering my list though!

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