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June 16th, 2012, 06:40 AM
Posts: 16
Hi all.

I run a small Outsource IT company using CommitCRM for my call tracking and charging.

My techs enter their charges into CommitCRM and it works great. But one annoyance we have is when we enter purchases for the client. The web interface only allows one entry at a time, so if we buy multiple items, it becomes very tedious to pull up a new entry every time, search for the client name, enter all the info, etc.

Is there a mechanism to make this more efficient and less tedious?

June 18th, 2012, 06:14 AM
Support Team
Posts: 7,522
When entering Charges for the SAME customer try adding them from the Account's (Customer) details page. Scroll down until you reach the Charges section and select to add new Charges. This helps as it will automatically select the customer for you, unlike having to select it individually again for each Charge.


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