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September 15th, 2010, 03:51 AM
Posts: 2
How can I associate a ticket for multiple asset

For example, I have an account where I do monthly maintenance for 12 workstations. I only want to create 1 ticket per month to keep the system clean but I would like to associate all workstation on the monthly mainetnance.
September 15th, 2010, 06:14 AM
Support Team
Posts: 7,528

The Ticket to Asset relation is 1:1, meaning that each Ticket can be linked to a single Asset.

When viewing the Asset details you can click the Tickets tab, and see old Tickets linked to this Asset, meaning an 1:N relation.

The reason why a Ticket links to single Asset is to make the service history of an Asset clear and accurate. Had a Ticket been linked to several Assets, you would see this Ticket under the Asset service history, and when opening the Ticket you would have seen lots of information which is unrelated to the Asset.

In any case, we have received several requests for this and we plan to evaluate the options again, something that is not easy without compromising simplicity and keeping the data relevant (like having the Asset service history related only to the Asset).

Hope this makes sense.
September 20th, 2010, 03:59 AM
Posts: 2
Helo Dine,

My query is the reverse of this one. How can you create a single invoice from multiple tickets. When I go to a customer to service 10 printers in one day he does not want 10 invoices.

September 20th, 2010, 06:35 AM
Support Team
Posts: 7,528

When generating invoices using the RangerMSP-QuickBooks Link you can select whether to generate Tickets at the Ticket level (covers only charges for this Ticket), the Contract (covers any charges related to this Contract regardless of the Ticket they are linked to) or the Account level (any Charge related to the Account - this option covers any number of Tickets in a single invoice).

Alternatively, you can generate Charge reports at the Account level, such as "Detailed Account Charges by Contracts and Tickets", and provide the customer with a copy.

Hope this helps.
November 18th, 2011, 09:09 PM
Posts: 1,146
There are many times when when a ticket spans multiple assets. Recently, we had to server a DVR and the router needed a firmware upgrade. The ticket was simply "Cannot view camera over web". 2 assets, 1 ticket. It seems silly to create a ticket for each thing, since they are about the same job.

Then today we had 2 workstations that couldn't print to 1 printer. 3 assets, 1 ticket.

The current method may seem like it makes the ticket / asset relation simple, but to me it makes it more difficult, I would like to know when each asset was touched, and we will not be creating a separate ticket for each asset. When we do things that require touching multiple assets about the same issue(mass upgrade, or mass installs) this is now missing from the history.
November 21st, 2011, 06:24 AM
Support Team
Posts: 7,528
Thank you for the detailed information about your requirement. We will review and consider it. Such a change span to many other areas however we do understand what you described. Thanks.
November 21st, 2011, 01:38 PM
Posts: 478
Its for this reason that we really don't use the asset linking at all, which is too bad. I feel that this is something that we really should be doing but if we can't link multiple assets to a ticket there isn't a lot of use for the feature. There are just way too many times when we are working on multiple assets. Either when there are multiple assets that need to be worked on to resolve a sing;e issue or when performing the same work on multiple systems. There is no way that we would created multiple tickets in these scenarios.

We really would benefit from being able to review history on an asset to see what was done to it. But if we know for sure that the history does not contain all of the related tickets it just isn't useful.
January 17th, 2012, 09:11 AM
Posts: 1
Would just like to bump this and say that this feature would be very valuable to us as well!

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