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December 21st, 2009, 07:20 PM
Posts: 188

I am going out of the country for a week and need to make sure that my 2 technicians get notified as I generally assign all tickets that come in.

Is there any way to notify a certian email address of any new tickets without changing the account manager or default tech to assign tickets to? Is there any way to assign a ticket to a generic account so that it can be assigned?


Austin Speer
Onward Incorporated
December 22nd, 2009, 06:33 AM
Support Team
Posts: 7,528
Hi Austin,

Thanks for sending in these questions. I’ve copied them for easy reference, and attached relevant answers below. Please review.
  • I am going out of the country for a week and need to make sure that my 2 technicians get notified as I generally assign all tickets that come in.
    Your employees can subscribe themselves to alerts sent for each ticket using the RangerMSP Alert Server. By setting the correct options in each of your employees' alert options page, they can receive an alert for any ticket created or closed in the system.
  • Is there any way to notify a certain email address of any new tickets without changing the account manager or default tech to assign tickets to? Is there any way to assign a ticket to a generic account so that it can be assigned?
    Using the method posted above, your employees can receive alerts for any ticket created or closed in your RangerMSP account, by subscribing to the all ticket alerts in the [b]Tools > Options > Alerts tab]/b]. Once your employees receive the initial alert, they can have the ticket manager value to reflect the employee in charge of this ticket, so that that employee receives the alerts for the ticket.

For more information regarding Alert Server, please click here.

Let us know if you have any questions on this topic.


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