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September 10th, 2009, 11:17 AM
Posts: 14
I'm moving over from Connectwise to CommitCrm.

I was wondering if anyone has a best practice so that I can import Accounts, and properly assign the CONTACTS associated with those accounts. Some of my accounts have up to 20 internal contacts.

I can only see an account import option - but there must be a way to import a long list of contacts and have them connect to the proper account based on company name or something like that?

Thanks for any ideas,

September 10th, 2009, 12:51 PM
Support Team
Posts: 7,528

RangerMSP has the ability to import your account secondary contact information on an account-by-account basis.

So, if you can get ConnectWise to export the data in this manner (using xls, csv, txt formats), you'll be able to re-import them into RangerMSP.

For more discussion regarding this option, see this forum thread.

I hope this helps.


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