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June 25th, 2009, 02:59 PM
Posts: 76
LMI offers the creation of "desktop shortcuts" - a direct URL to the LMI PC that skips a step of authentication. We use LMI across the board. Would love an option to bring up that URL directly from the asset in CommitCRM.

Found your RDP suggestion, here, which was a great find and was able to work it out through the Documents module. The problem is, it doesn't seem you can link a document to an asset. Still, this will work. However, +1 for API integration with other MSP solutions as FunctionOne recommended.
June 25th, 2009, 03:13 PM
Support Team
Posts: 7,528
Hi JoshuaB,

Thanks for the tip, sounds like a great implementation.

As for the documents - actually you can link a document in RangerMSP to an asset. you can do this in two ways:

1) From the asset window, go to the Docs tab, and drag-and-drop the file directly into this tab, or click New at the bottom part of the tab, to add a new document which is linked to this asset.

2) From the New Document window itself, you can link the document to various entities - when you create the document, it automatically let's you link to a ticket, but you can click the "Ticket" label and switch it to link to another kind of entity, like Asset. See below:

This way you will be able to open the shortcut from the asset's Docs tab whenever you need to use it.
June 25th, 2009, 03:19 PM
Posts: 76

I didn't see the drop down. Thanks! This will work great.

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