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July 5th, 2013, 09:31 PM
Posts: 32
This seems to have been covered a while back but I am not sure if it got provided.
I am using CommitCRM a lot more now, previously just entered in jobs completed and client details, and am starting to do more contracts, templates, activity templates etc.
However I can't seem to work out how to do these things when I am out of the office. Is there a way to do all my templates and then import them to CommitCRM when I get back in to the office?

July 8th, 2013, 06:02 AM
Support Team
Posts: 7,528
Thank you for posting this.

When using SQL Database RangerMSP client application can be used over remote session (RDP, Terminal Services, Citrix and etc.) and you can also connect to your office server via VPN (speed is better with RDP).
This will provide you with the ability to use all features of RangerMSP on your live system.

In case you refer to performing the customizations out of the office and then import them, then for Email Templates, Activity Templates and Reports you can export from one RangerMSP and imported to another RangerMSP using Export and Import buttons. So, you can install a trial copy of RangerMSP at home, perform these template customizations and export/import it to your main system at the office.

Hope it helps.

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