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September 27th, 2010, 02:52 PM
Posts: 115

Just wondering if there is a way to make web tickets created by our customers notify us. Currently most support is done via the email connector which sends an email to a distribution group. Is there a way that when I ticket is created via the web interface we get the same email alert?

September 27th, 2010, 03:05 PM
Support Team
Posts: 7,528

Two answers here:

(1) Alerts Server does just that. If you're being assigned to this Ticket or are the Account manager for this Account, and you've selected to get email notifications for new Tickets (Tools > Options > Alerts) then you'll get email alert for any new Ticket customers open.

(2) RangerMSP 5.4 introduced a Tickets Inbox (the Inbox tab in the main Tickets Window).
Whenever a customer creates a new Ticket using the Customers Web portal, update an existing Ticket, add comments (History Notes) etc. the Ticket automatically enters the Inbox. You can consider it as an "alert" where it makes it very easy to identify customer related actions (btw, a Ticket also enters the Inbox when a customer sends an email reply).
You can learn more about the new Tickets Inbox here.


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