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October 5th, 2020, 04:11 PM
Posts: 226
Is there any function when my staff are booking a ticket in which forces them to either do a to do list or ask the customer a few questions?
October 6th, 2020, 06:23 AM
Support Team
Posts: 7,528
Thank you for posting this.

Users can add To-dos just after adding a Ticket. The To-do list can be saved as a template and then easily added by users.

In other words, you configure the standard questions as To-dos, saved as a To-do list template, and when the user applies that template to the Ticket they'll see all questions and can make the ones they've asked.

You can prepare as many to-do list templates as needed.

Currently such To-do lists won't be added and apply to the ticket automatically though, the user will need to pick the list to apply from the dropdown list.

For what it is worth, It is possible to set other fields as mandatory so the staff will fill them in the new Ticket window.

For example, you can set the Notes field as a mandatory. Notes is a free text field and you can create a list of predefined texts that will be selected by the user using the pop-up menu.

The mandatory fields can be defined by the Sysadmin user under the Tools > Options > Tickets Admin tab.

Hope this helps.

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