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June 3rd, 2010, 11:57 AM
Support Team
Posts: 7,528
Hi all,

Starting with RangerMSP 5.3 email correspondence regarding Tickets has been enhanced and it is now fully handled by RangerMSP Email Connector. All email communication, whether incoming or outgoing, now goes through the Email Connector, which, in turn, automatically distributes the message to all relevant Ticket Recipients. In addition, it files the original email, as well as the email text in the Ticket history.

This is a real revolution in the way email correspondence is managed when using RangerMSP and the feedback we get from our users is great.

The New Email Correspondence capability includes:
1) All Emails go through RangerMSP Email Connector.
2) Emails are automatically distributed to Recipients defined for each Ticket.
3) Emails are logged in the Ticket History and the email text is conveniently displayed directly in the history pane for better readability.

Main benefits:
1) Emails can now be sent by employees using any email device or application.
2) Technicians do not need to list the recipients; they simply hit the reply button from their email application, the email is sent to RangerMSP Email Connector, and distributed automatically to the relevant recipients.
3) The entire email correspondence text (incoming from customers and outgoing from employees) for each Ticket is displayed directly in the History pane; no need to double-click in order to see the email text.

Note: This feature requires a license for the RangerMSP Email Connector add-on.

For more information click here.

The RangerMSP Team

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