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January 9th, 2012, 10:41 AM
Posts: 217
Hi Commit,

When an e-mail is sent through CommitCRM and a ticket is created and a copy is sent to the technician.

Both the technician e-mail and the ticket in CommitCRM looks wrong.
In Denmark we have ÆØÅ and æøå.
Somehow, the e-mails is formatted wrong.
The funny thing, is that the subject is OK, with ÆØÅæøå, and somehow the last line of the email/ticket is also OK. But all other lines is looking strange...

How can I fix this?

Copy of ticket/email:

Ordrebekræftelse / 1020873770 / / 09.01.2012 <--- Subject of the e-mail.

Hermed fremsendes Deres ordrebekræftelse.

Såfremt De har spørgsmål, bedes De kontakte ALSO Actebis A/S på telefon 43558888.
Der kan ikke sendes svar på denne email-adresse.

Med venlig hilsen,
ALSO Actebis A/S
Alle priser er ekskl. moms. Der tages forbehold for fejl og ændringer <-- Last line
January 9th, 2012, 02:45 PM
Support Team
Posts: 7,528
Interesting. Please try the following and see if that helps:

Edit the \RangerMSP\Server\CmtEmailDelivery.ini file

Add a new line at the end with the following value:


Save the file.
Restart RangerMSPServer service.

Give it a try and see if it has helped.

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