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February 19th, 2008, 06:56 PM
Posts: 20
I have the CommitCRM software on a vista ultimate machine, along with outlook 2007. Everything was synching fine, but today when i tried to synch, the appointments synched fine, but contacts wont. The white synch box pops up, but never counts through everything like it used to, and just dissapears. No errors or anything, but nothing is synched. I checked the synch settings and everything is still correct. Any ideas?

Also another issue is, I have some customers that I have there business address and there PO box address, in outlook PO box is set as the "mailing address" when i print out a ticket for the tech, it will show the PO box, not the business address. I know if I set it outlook the "mailing address" to be the business address then it works right. But then that would screw me up for billing issues. How can I fix that?

February 20th, 2008, 05:32 AM
Support Team
Posts: 7,528

The Accounts sync behavior you are describing is very unusual, and it's hard to tell what is going on. In order for us to help, please send us the RangerMSP log files, using the Help > Technical Support menu. This will send the logs directly to our support and we will be able to analyze it and check what happens when syncing Account.

As for the dual addresses - RangerMSP holds a single main Address per Account. Usually, when working with RangerMSP, if you wish to keep more than a single address for the Account, you should add secondary Contacts (through the Account's Contacts tab), and each Contact can hold its own address - this way you can manage as many addresses as you need inRangerMSP. When syncing with Outlook, each Account syncs with the address marked as "mailing address", and if there are secondary contacts in RangerMSP, this will create separate contacts in Outlook, all under the same Company name.

I hope this helps.


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