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July 6th, 2010, 05:27 PM
Posts: 4
Hi there,
We operate a company with regions of technicians, so i have 3 techs managing customer accounts in each region. there are 9 techs in total. We are looking for the simplest way possible to allow technicians to see the following (ideally via the web interface or PDA)

Customers in only their region
This is important as techs being techs i dont want the cross region discussion, updating of tickets.

View for Techs
The Techs want to get into a ticket and update the resolution field. i really want to restrict the techs ability to update the description field etc. as i want this to stay as the customer entered it.

Tickets cannot be assigned to technicians as it could be one of three techs that go onsite

We never charge per ticket and only charge for appointments as ticket charging was useless to us. (customer may have 10 tickets and a regular booked slot of 4 hours)

There must (I Hope) be a way to not display some of the drop downs for the techs...PLEASE
July 7th, 2010, 06:45 AM
Support Team
Posts: 7,528

Thank you for posting this.

Good news! The coming RangerMSP version 5.4 includes a new subcontractor employee feature that lets you limit the accounts that this specific employee can or cannot see.

Regarding the resolution field; it is possible that we will be able to remove this field from the Web interface for all your employees. Please contact us by email to discuss this further.


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