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April 24th, 2010, 03:34 AM
John Greenfield
Posts: 14
I am using CommitCRM v5.0.0.5 and am having all sorts of problems trying to get the email connector to work. MOST of the time sending an email to support@mybusiness.com.au does not create a ticket and 2 .cmt files are stuck in the QSysEDOutbox folder. I have tried 2 different SMTP servers, one local (SBS 2008 - all sorts of problems, but that is for another thread) and an ISP with authenticated mail setup. I have gone through the guide and troubleshooting steps over and over, but I must be missing something?? The few times that it has worked (very few times), a ticket is created in CommitCRM ONLY when the email address is entered. I have tried the domain name in the primary and secondary contacts area, but it has no effect. The email is just dropped and no ticket is created. This is EXTREMELY frustrating!! Please help, because I feel I have wasted money at the moment.
April 24th, 2010, 11:05 AM
John Greenfield
Posts: 14
More info; having just upgraded to v5.2, the error message that is getting displayed is below. I have checked the settings in the serverconfig program and tested the outgoing email and was able to receive the test message ok.

4/25/2010 2:56:31 AM

Error Code: 501

Failed while trying to connect your mail server.

< 501 5.0.0 Invalid domain name

Verify that the mail server is running.

Run the CommitCRM Server Configuration utility (<server>\CommitCRM\Server\ServerConfig.exe), review your settings and run the configuration tests.

Once you handled the above issue, restart CommitServer service so another Send attempt will occur.

For more information visit CommitCRM online support resources at Support

Date Ref # 100425
April 24th, 2010, 11:26 AM
Posts: 43
I hope I can help here as I believe I faced the same problem as you are.

If I'm not mistaken, to resolve this I modified the SMTP username from "mydomain/username" to "username". I then restarted the service and the issue was resolved.
April 24th, 2010, 04:41 PM
John Greenfield
Posts: 14
thanks chrisitis. I tried the change you suggested and the process worked, BUT, i still received the error message from CommitCRM about invalid domain. Also, the ticket that I was waiting on finally arrived (delayed by a few hours). This time, it was instant, last time it took a few hours??? something strange going on.
April 26th, 2010, 06:53 AM
Support Team
Posts: 7,528
Hi John,

Thanks for posting this.
Can you try replacing the mail server address with the direct IP address for that computer?

If the issue persists, could you please send us the log files from your RangerMSP system? The log files can be found in Help > Technical Support.

Once we have the logs, we’ll analyze them to ascertain the cause for this behavior.



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