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December 17th, 2009, 09:12 AM
Posts: 4
Is it obligitary to use Quickbooks if you want to use CommitCRM? We need much better inventory managment and POS functionality than Quickbooks can offer. What have other CommitCRM customers done where they have the same customers who buy services, also buying through a walk in shop, and online?
December 22nd, 2009, 09:00 AM
Support Team
Posts: 7,528

Thanks for posting this question.
We haven't heard of many options for managing inventory with RangerMSP; however, since RangerMSP supports 3rd party reading from the database using ODBC, then any ODBC compliant inventory management tool should work with RangerMSP.

We don't have much information on this; however, we'll research this topic when we get the chance, and prepare an article if we have any interesting results.

Thanks for the great feedback; we appreciate it, as it helps us to make our product more efficient in running your business easier.


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