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June 11th, 2009, 09:15 AM
Posts: 3
I am working with the trial version and cannot figure something out... Supposed I have 3 different servers and I have many assets each of which are on one of the particular servers. I have set one of the custom fields in assets to select from the 3 servers. If one of these servers were to go down or need maintenance, for example, I'd want to filter my assets according to all assets on server 2 (which I can do), but I'd want to get a list of all the customers which are related to those assets so I can email them all a notice saying the server is getting work, etc. Is there a way to do this?

Thanks in advance!
June 11th, 2009, 10:04 AM
Support Team
Posts: 7,528
Hi fullline,

That's an interesting question. As you mentioned, you can filter the assets by the server as you have implemented it. However, this will show you a list of assets. You will be able to see the account for each asset, but this will not let you send a group email.

Sending a group email is possible only when viewing the account list, however, I'm afraid there is no trivial way to perform filtering on accounts according to specific fields in lined assets. Each account can be linked to several assets, and performing such a query is quite complicated. I will log this into our system to be further evaluated and we will check if we can come up with a way to handle such situations. Thanks.

At the moment, if this helps, you can just go over the filtered asset list manually, right-click the account and use Show Account to open the account window. Then click the email icon to send them an email. Not ideal, but will help you cover all the users.

June 12th, 2009, 11:10 AM
Posts: 3
well.. thanks for the response, but you are correct in the fact that it is not helpful at all. The point of having this information in one place would be to be able to run such queries. I would think this need has been there for others as well... anyone who needs an update or downtime on a certain type of asset or brand of computer that needs a certain patch or OS, etc may need to email all customers that have that particular type of asset. Please put this in as a feature request. Thanks!
June 12th, 2009, 11:15 AM
Support Team
Posts: 7,528
It's already on the list. Thanks!

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