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August 21st, 2018, 06:04 PM
Posts: 8
Hi there!

It's rare, but increasing in occurrence as I pump more data into the Accounts tab for suppliers, vendors, other not-customer accounts, that email from, for example, Microsoft get's created as a ticket.

They have to send to the trigger email address so that limits most of the non-customer emails, but rather than waiting to see which other accounts might send to our support address, I'd just like to Disable Alerts To Selected Accounts in a pre-emptive strike! But there are a LOT of them. Is there any way to bulk update that change?

If we didn't also have a lot of Customers, perhaps there is a way to Disable alerts to ALL accounts and then turn them on for selected? Mathematically that may be easier but I'd have to do it out of hours just in case someone missed a vital update while I was mucking about! :)
August 22nd, 2018, 06:03 AM
Support Team
Posts: 7,528
Thank you for posting. The way you currently use - to select which Accounts will be opted out of specific email alert notifications is the way supported right now and there aren't any shortcuts. Some good points and ideas raised here, thanks for asking and for your feedback.

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