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January 7th, 2014, 01:14 AM
Posts: 1
I have installed the software for a few days but there are some problems that I don't know how to solve.
1. I used timer to record down what i have done on what time. But sometimes the problem can't been fixed in one moment, so i need to record separately. For example, 9am to 10 am I am connect pc to server using timer, then i have other work to do so i have to pause this problem first. After 11am, i continue but setup pc. So how can i record down different things with corresponding time? And timer is only used for charge?

2. Because that our company have contract with clients, so we dont charge customers according to time or product. So i want to ask if we can create new type for charge?

3. Every month we need to sent customers reports on how we resolve problems. Is that possible if one ticket include all problems this customer faced and our solutions with the date and time?
Thanks for helping!!
January 7th, 2014, 06:10 AM
Support Team
Posts: 7,528
Thank you for posting this.

1. The recommended way is to add the Charge for each recorded time period so there would be a Charge for 'connect pc to server' and another Charge for 'pc setup'. Note that you can use timer to measure the time or just add a new Charge directly in the Ticket.

2. Contracts are actually optional in RangerMSP - you can simply use the default Global Contract. If using a Contract though there are three types available - Block of Time, Block of Money and Block of Tickets so you could use the type most appropriate for your requirements. Whether or not a Charge is actually billable by default is determined by the type of Contract, for example labor charges on a Block of Time contract are set as Not Billable and all charges on a Block of Money Contract are Not Billable. You can read more on this here and on the Charges FAQ here.

3.There are a number of built-in Reports that you could use, for example "Detailed Charges Report by Account" under Reports > Charges or "Problems & Resolutions" under Reports > Tickets. Just specify the date range and the Account or any other parameters required. If you want to show Charges then created a Report with Charges. You can read more about generating Reports here, also if needed you can create your own custom Reports using the Report Designer.

Hope this helps.

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