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April 30th, 2008, 03:30 PM
Posts: 20
I have 2 tickets that I just completed. The tickets are for the same customer for different work done on different days. I have billable charges in both tickets. How is the best way to now invoice this. I have QB 08 all setup and everything. Can I do something where I can see what needs to be invoiced for a customer and then invoice it? Right now how I do an invoice is when I am in the ticket before I hit completed, I hit the invoice button and generate an invoice for that ticket. Is there another way to do this so I just make 1 invoice for the 2 tickets?


April 30th, 2008, 04:54 PM
Posts: 42

> File > New > QuickBooks Invoice then select Account then select the account you're wanting to bill, it will then generate one invoice in QB's with all the charges irregardless of how many tickets were created.

Brian Williams
Advantech NW

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