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August 28th, 2012, 12:01 PM
Posts: 35
I keep getting the following errors

AssetTbl:Error 7008: The specified table, memo file, or index file was unable to be opened.

After I close this book I get a box with this message

Menu Index Out of Range.

I have logged out of CommitCRM and logged back in a couple of times and it does no good. I have also stopped and restarted services to see if that would help.

On a side note I am also getting this error. It just started after the upgrade as well...

8/28/2012 01:22 PM

Connection timed out
Error Code Received from your POP3 Mail Server: 10060
This code is returned from your mail server. It is NOT a CommitCRM error code.
If you are not familiar with this error code please run a Web search to learn more about it.
Failed while trying to connect to your POP3 mail server.

Verify that the mail server is running.
Run the CommitCRM Server Configuration utility (<server>\CommitCRM\Server\ServerConfig.exe), review your settings and run the configuration tests.
Once you handle the above issue, restart CommitServer service so another pop attempts will occur.
For more information visit CommitCRM online support resources at Support
August 28th, 2012, 12:12 PM
Support Team
Posts: 7,528
The 7008 error means that a program you use opened a connection to the RangerMSP database in standard non-SQL mode while all other programs and server side services are using SQL (we see that you use SQL).

To resolve this you need to find out which program/PC is causing it.
This is common when you use third-party programs (commercial or custom-developed) that integrates with RangerMSP and the database connection settings are incorrect.

Another possible cause for this is that one of your domain users do not have ALL privileges and access rights to ALL files under the \RangerMSP\DbSys folder - please reapply all rights to this folder and restart ALL RangerMSP clients and ALL server side services.

In regards to the report about the 10060 error. As just been sent as a reply to your email, here are the details again:

POP3 related:
WinSock error 10060 Connection timed out

As mentioned in the message itself this error codes is the one RangerMSP gets from your mail server.

This error means that the the RangerMSP server (RangerMSPServer) had troubles connecting or working with your mail servers. It seams like something interrupts access to the mail server and this is why the issues start. Maybe an anti virus, firewall, send-limits set this way or another, communication errors, etc.

Maybe a simple server restart will make it go away, otherwise you will need to analyze your server configuration and try to figure out what's causing this. If everything has been working well until today maybe a server restart will indeed refresh everything and resolve this issue.


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