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July 23rd, 2012, 03:59 PM
Posts: 10
I did a ticket for a customer and pushed it all the way through Quickbooks and made the Invoice. After I made the Invoice I realized that I forgot to put an item on the invoice. I already Completed the Ticket. How can I go back, update the Ticket and the Quickbooks Invoice?

July 23rd, 2012, 05:33 PM
Posts: 524
You can still add charges to a closed ticket, unfortunately you can't update the QB invoice through CommitCRM once it's been created. What we do is add the charge to the ticket, manually add it (cut/paste) to the QB invoice, go back to the ticket/charge and mark it as "billed" then manually link it to the proper QB invoice (using the "QB" button at the top of the charge). You need to be in the advanced section of the charge to do this...

cheers --


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