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May 18th, 2010, 11:28 AM
Posts: 1
I am setting up a virtual server (Windows Server 2008) to test and then go live withCommitCRM. Some info about us:

- We have 7 full-time employees (4 are technical) & 1 part-time employee (printers).
- Our main client base are SMB customers, 1 or 2 servers, 5 - 50 workstations.
- We have about 60-70 clients with 1 or more servers, a number with peer-to-peer, some standalones, etc.
- We have other clients who fall into other categories.
- Our specialty is Small Business Server 2003 & 2008 on HP ML350 boxes (some Dell).
- We do printer repair, sell supplies, support Quickbooks, security camera & VOIP work.
- We are HP, MicroSoft, Quickbooks and Sonicwall Partners among others.

If any of you are similar in size and purpose, do you have any suggestions regarding the most trouble-free, efficient virtual environment we should create for our CommitCRM server (ie. OS version, 32 vs 64 bit, storage space, processors and memory, SQL or not, etc.)

If you've read this far, thanks for your patience - I look forward to any responses - Bob
May 18th, 2010, 12:13 PM
Support Team
Posts: 7,528

Thanks for posting this.
All windows operating systems (2000 and newer) can be used as the OS for the RangerMSP server; however, XP x32 and 2003 x32 have the least amount of additional modules that might interfere with RangerMSP. Memory requirements are minimal and discussed in the system requirements page.

We generally recommend that systems that have more than 15 employees use the SQL Database for RangerMSP, so that the risk of data corruption will be minimal; however, the SQL has additional features such as enhanced speed and stability & Terminal Services & Citrix support. more information on the SQL Database for RangerMSP can be found in the SQL Database info page.

Hope this helps.


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