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September 23rd, 2009, 07:46 PM
Posts: 5
How is everyone tracking the time spent on billable/non-billable time for techs? Currently, we track billable time by tickets completed, or emails of work done & timed spent for a task sent to our CommitCRM input person. I am trying to convince my boss that we need to implement some sort of time sheet. This way we can track billable, as well as, non-billable time. Non-billable time is not tracked now.
Is anyone using online timesheet applications? The younger techs seem to have issues with completing any paperwork, but they don't seem to mind sending emails. Perhaps an online timesheet would be easier to implement than a paper version.

Any ideas would be appreciated. Thanks!
October 5th, 2009, 07:45 AM
Product Team
Posts: 13
Hello DaveTTS-

Take a look at this thread.
It discussed solutions for tracking billable and non-billable time using RangerMSP.

Hope this helps,

RangerMSP Team

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