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May 1st, 2018, 03:34 AM
5c services
Posts: 4
Since upgrading to CommitCRM 18 we are having an issue with CommitCRM server in task manager. Sometime the state will say started but email flow has stopped, if we restart this service the email begins to flow again.

this is happening multiple times a day

Is there any fix for this issue?
May 1st, 2018, 06:43 AM
Support Team
Posts: 7,528
​​Thank you for posting this.

As we've already replied to your email, after reviewing the log files, we found the following errors and can ensure that the issue is not related to the version 18.

500 Interrupted system call (Winsock error #10004)
error 10053

These errors mean that something interrupts the "discussion" with the mail server and blocks communication - possibly an anti-virus, application firewall or a policy - that blocks the connection and the mail server host cannot be found.

We recommend that you review all such possible settings, maybe even try to temporarily disabling any anti-virus / firewall you may have (Microsoft Firewall tends to be tricky and work even if you think that you disabled it...).

Regarding the error #10004 - another user that also faced this issue found that it was caused after updating Exchange Server and the solution provided here.

Google search for the error 10053 returns the following suggestions that may also help:



Last but not least - Restarting RangerMSP's hosting server may also help.

Hope this helps.

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