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Ticket source

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    Ticket source

    is there a way of creating or generate a report for the source of the tickets.
    ex: web, advert, referral
    so that we can have an idea from were the work is originating.

    thank you

    Re: Ticket source


    Yes! You have several options here.

    First, you can filter a Tickets based report based on the Source field. For this click the "Expand >>>" button which is displayed at the bottom of the report generation window (where filtering criteria for the report is set), the select the Source field from the drop down and select any value to filter upon - for example, Source=Phone.

    Second, you can also add Source field to Ticket Report layouts that do not include it at the moment. For this you should use the Report Designer to customize your own reports.
    Here are some useful links regarding the Report Designer:

    * Reports Designer User Guide
    * Reports FAQ

    Third, while using the Tickets Window itself you can also filter the Tickets list by the Source field. For this click the Filter option on the Window toolbar, click to open the Filtering window, define the filtering criteria (i.e. Source Equals [value/s]) and confirm. The Tickets list will be filtered accordingly.

    Hope this helps.


      Re: Ticket source

      Thank you Dina

