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May 24th, 2017, 05:07 AM
Posts: 44
We are having an issue where the reply's to tickets via email are not posting in the Ticket history thread.
What process should I be following to make sure the email reply appears in the ticket?
When I open source email and reply - it replies to my helpdesk email address and not the customers - the same thing when I click on reply from the ticket preview screen - how do I get it to reply to the customer email?
May 24th, 2017, 06:04 AM
Support Team
Posts: 7,522
When using Email Connector emails are not sent directly to the customer but rather to the support/helpdesk email address configured as Public Email Address for Email Connector.
Then, Email Connector distributes the email to recipients listed under the ticket (external - customer recipients, internal - other employees involved on the ticket). In addition Email Connector files the email under Ticket History tab.

When replying to the customer via Email Connector, the sender email address should be found for an active employee record in RangerMSP and it must be unique.

You may find more information in Email Distribution via Email Connector

Hope this helps.

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