Transferring the Software Installation from One Server to Another

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Transferring Installation

Note: The instructions below apply to installation of RangerMSP version 3.7 and up.

  1. Backup ALL the RangerMSP server files including ALL SUB-FOLDERS. Please make sure no one is using RangerMSP while backing up and that RangerMSP WebInterface and RangerMSP Server Windows Services are stopped (if used)
  2. Copy ALL the RangerMSP server files together with ALL subfolders from your old server (the one you are currently using) to a shared folder on your new server. All users and workstations must have full access rights to this share folder
  3. Run the Command Prompt as an administrator.
  4. If you use the RangerMSP Web Interface then you should uninstall it from the old server and install it on the new server using the following commands:
    1. <Old_Server>\RangerMSP\WebInterface\CRMWebInterface.exe -uninstall
    2. <New_Server>\RangerMSP\WebInterface\CRMWebInterface.exe -install
  5. If you use the RangerMSP Alerts Server, RangerMSP Email Connector or RangerMSP Report Scheduler then you should uninstall RangerMSP Server service from the old server and install it on the new server using the following commands:
    1. <Old_Server>\RangerMSP\Server\CRMServer.exe –uninstall
    2. <New_Server>\RangerMSP\Server\CRMServer.exe -install
  6. If you use the RangerMSP RMM Server then you should uninstall RangerMSP RMMServer service from the old server and install it on the new server using the following commands:
    1. <Old_Server>\RangerMSP\RMM\CRMRMMServer.exe –uninstall
    2. <New_Server>\RangerMSP\RMM\CRMRMMServer.exe -install
  7. If you use any any third-party service or program that accesses RangerMSP database, stop the service or program.
  8. On the old server rename the "RangerMSP" main folder to "RangerMSP-Old". If the path to the RangerMSP server folder on the new server is the same as it was on the old server (i.e. you assign the same drive letter to the RangerMSP shared folder on the new server as it was used on the old server) then the transfer is complete. Otherwise, if the path to the new server is different than the original path used with the old server:
  9. Run the RangerMSP client installation file on ALL network workstations:
    1. <New Server>\RangerMSP\Utils\Install\InstallClient.exe

General Note: Documents files are not stored in RangerMSP database but are rather stored on your hard disk like any other file. In addition to transferring RangerMSP, as explained above, you should also transfer your documents files. Make sure that you keep the old path so the files referenced from RangerMSP will keep pointing to the correct path.

  • If you experience any problems installing RangerMSP , please contactour support department.

Transferring your installation when using SQL Database for RangerMSP

These instructions are intended for SQL users who need to migrate their RangerMSP servers to another computer. RangerMSP systems which do not use the SQL do not need to read this section.

  • Install the SQL on the new server (use the instruction email provided to you during purchase), when it is standalone (you cannot run two SQLs at the same time on the same network, so the server must be disconnected from your network when you install SQL). You should use the same installation instructions and trial codes you received with your purchase. In case you plan to purchase the SQL, you may consider purchasing first, and installing the final SQL version on the new server first.
  • Check that the service starts successfully. Make sure you have followed the SQL installation steps carefully, including setting up DEP. You should follow the instructions provided in the initial SQL email. If you do not have such an email (with the DEP instructions), please contact us at this email address, and a support rep will provide the necessary information.
  • Stop the SQL service on the old server.
  • Connect the new server to the network.
  • Make sure to re-install the clients shortcuts, so they will point to the new path (use <server>\Utils\Install\InstallClient.exe).
  • Having any problems running the clients after the transfer? Check out these helpful SQL Troubleshooting steps.

See Also