KB: Sending Group Emails to your Accounts

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In various occasions you may wish to send an email to a group of your accounts, for instance when sending out seasons greetings, new address notification, warranty expiration reminders, marketing campaigns, etc.

You may consider three options for sending emails to your RangerMSP Accounts:

  1. Use RangerMSP's Group Email feature
    This option is very helpful when you wish to send Fixed-Text emails.

  2. Use Microsoft Words Mail Merge
    This option will allow you to create an email message that has ccrm data merged within the message body.
    More information on this method can be found here.

  3. Export Account data and use external mailing tools
    This option is good when you wish to personalize your emails and merge Account data.
    More information on this topic can be found here.

Using RangerMSP's Group Email Feature

The Group Email feature can be activated from the Account window:

  1. While in the Accounts window, filter the Accounts list to show only the Accounts you wish to send the email to
  2. Once the list is filtered, go to Accounts > Tools > Send Group Email

    The following window appears

    In this window you can set up the recipients. The Group Email feature basically sends an Outlook email, and puts all recipients in the To, CC or BCC field, as you choose. You can also choose to send to secondary contacts.

  3. When moving on to the next step, the following tab appears:

  4. Enter your text in the box. Note that you can choose to send a plain text email or an HTML email. When using the Plain Text option, this will not include any formatting. When using he HTML Formatted email you should paste your HTML code into the email text area.

  5. We strongly recommend trying this on a very small list, even just on your own Account first, to see how it works for you, and how the email looks like, and only then send it to a real group.

Exporting Accounts and using external emailing tools

Using Email Templates in RangerMSP allows you to merge Account data within the emails, whoever, it can only create a single email at a time.

In case you wish to merge account information and personalize your emails when sending to a group of Accounts, what you can do is export the account list, together with all the contacts, with their email addresses and other details to an external file (such as Excel, Text, etc.) and send the emails using Word's Mail Merge tool or any other external utility for sending mass emails with merged data from Excel.

  • You can read more about exporting data from RangerMSP here.
  • For the Mail Merge KB article, please click here.

See Also