KB: Pinning the application to the Windows 7 TaskBar

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When using Windows 7, many users decide to use the added comfort of pinning the RangerMSP icon to the Windows 7 taskbar. Usually, this poses no problem; however, when using RangerMSP CRM over a network infrastructure, RangerMSP is run from an executable on a different host machine, which means that the RangerMSP icon would not be allowed by Windows to be placed on the Windows taskbar, since Windows would see this as a security risk.


In order to be able to pin RangerMSP to the taskbar from a different network computer, it is necessary to work around the network restriction on the Windows taskbar by tricking it into believing RangerMSP is on your computer. This can be accomplished by creating a batch file that runs the RangerMSP executable file (\\RangerMSP-Server\RangerMSP\Client\RangerMSP.exe).

  • In some cases, the Windows 7 Operating System can read into your batch file scripts, and decide if it wants to allow your script to remain on the taskbar; however, compiling your script into an EXE file would bypass this method of security, and allow you to pin the RangerMSP icon to the taskbar, and keep it there.
  • Freeware batch file compiling software can be easily found on the internet, so that you can ensure that no software can easily read the contents of your batch files; 1 example of a tool that can accomplish such a compilation is Autoit©.