Installation Troubleshooting

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Troubleshooting > Installation Troubleshooting

When running RangerMSP getting error message: "Error while running client: Cannot modify a read-only dataset"

Solution: This error may occur when trying to run the RangerMSP client application (usually for the first time), and it may indicate a Windows' privileges or permissions issue in accessing the RangerMSP installation folder.
Should a user receive this error message, make sure the user has full access rights to the RangerMSP installation folder on the server (or locally, if the system is installed in a stand-alone configuration). Without full access rights, the user will not be able to log in to the system or update information in the database.
A simple way to verify that a user has all the required permissions to the RangerMSP installation path (read/write/ delete) is to create a simple text file (e.g. "test.txt") under <Shared-Server-Folder>\RangerMSP\DBSys\ folder, using the same PC on which you are running the RangerMSP client application. The client should then attempt to edit the file's content with some text, save it, and then delete it. Once a client is able to perform this test successfully, they should be able to run RangerMSP without a problem.

When running RangerMSP getting error message: "Error while running client: Cannot load RangerMSP client due to Windows permissions error."

Solution: This error indicates a privileges or permissions issue. See previous question.

See Also